Candidates can check the MP Samvida Shikshak Recruitment 2020 details and start applying the following Online Bharti process. For the current year, there will be plenty of seats to be filled under Madhya Pradesh Varg 1,2,3, Bharti 2020. Kindly, read all the necessary details that are required to fill the applications.
MP Samvida Shikshak Recruitment 2020
The information is to have you introduces to the upcoming Recruitment Notification that is to be available in the next few days. Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board is going to conduct the Bharti process on a massive scale this year. There are about 41000 new vacancies to be filled for Varg 1, 2 and 3. Keep in mind that the date of the application is to be announced soon. MP Vyapam Bharti
MP Samvida Shikshak Vacancy 2020 Latest News
In the latest news, as per the expected recruitment drive, the posts to be filled are Samvida Shala Shikshak, Sahayaki Adhyapak and many others. Keep reading more updates in the follow-up of this job notice. The further declaration is to be announced via the online media along with the employment news. Also, Download MP Samvida Shikshak Admit Card
The last date of application is expected to be updated soon. Thus, candidates are advised to have a close eye on the updates rendered here. MP ADPO Vacancy
- Declaration Type: MP Samvida Shikshak Recruitment 2020
- Conducting Organization: Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board
- Job Name: Samvida Shala Teacher/ Sahayak Adhyapak
- Total Vacancies: 41000
- Job Location: Madhya Pradesh
- Last Date to Apply: Revealed Shortly
- Varg 1 Exam Date: Updated Soon
- Varg 2 Exam date: Get Here soon
- Varg 3 Exam Date: Mention Below
MP Samvida Shikshak Bharti 2020 Varg 1/2/3 Application form
Posts Details:
- Samvida Shikshak Varg-1: 5000
- Samvida Shikshak Varg-2: 15000
- Samvida Shikshak Varg-3: 21000
Educational Requirement and Eligibility Criteria
- Grade 1: Minimum eligibility is graduate with no pass marks limit.
- Grade 2: Applicants need to have graduation completed with at least 50% marks along with B.Ed degree also, with 50% as the minimum qualification. UP Inter College Recruitment
- Grade 3: Postgraduate with 50% marks, B.Ed with at least 50%, and 2 years’ experience in Elementary education.
Age Limit:
Minimum age to apply is 21 years, while the upper age limit is years. (Relaxation is given to the reserved categories)
Selection Process:
Applicants will have to go through a written test followed by an interview and document verification later.
Salary Band:
An attractive salary structure will be given to the selected ones and will differ on the basis of the grade-wise distribution.
MP Samvida Shikshak Recruitment 2020 Apply Online
- All the candidates are advised to reach the official web portal which is, “”
- After reaching the homepage of the website, look for an updated MP Samvida Shikshak Recruitment in the latest updates section.
- Download the notice and read it carefully before registering.
- Register for the jobs by filling the online application form.
- Provide your personal, academic, and professional details as per the eligibility.
- Upload the soft copies of your documents and pay the fee applicable.
- Recheck the form entries and save the form data before submitting it.
- Finally, get a printed version of your form and save it for future needs.
mp संविदा शिक्षक भर्ती 2020 News
मध्यप्रदेश सरकार कुछ सप्ताहों में एमपी संविदा शिक्षा भारती 2020 ऑनलाइन रिलीज करने के लिए तैयार है। योग्य उपयोगकर्ता जो शिक्षकों की नौकरियां चाहते हैं, वे इस वेब पेज से नवीनतम समाचार प्राप्त करने के बाद एमपी व्याप्त सहयक शिक्षा भर्ती भरने के लिए तैयार हो सकते हैं।
Madhya Pradesh Samvida Teacher Recruitment 2020 MP Grade 1, 2, 3
Madhya Pradesh Samvida Shikshak Bharti 2020 will start shortly. All the candidates who are waiting for the MP Samvida Shikshak Recruitment 2020 can also wait little a Bit longer more probably till June of this year. Candidates from the various parts of the State of MP are ready to apply against this Notification that is why we specially design this web page for all such particulars, so Get Ready to fill Madhya Pradesh Samvida Shikshak Online Application form by using the direct link settled on this web page. Thanks for reading this and if you think this all information is useful then share it with your friends.
Mentionable Link:
MP Samvida Shikshak/Teacher Bharti Notification (Released Soon)
Visit here for more information and start applying: