Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (shorted equally UPPCL) has decided to publish a notification which will be about the declaration of the UPPCL Junior Engineer Result 2020 of that exam in which lots aspirants had appeared previously. This test was conducted in February 2020. After taking a successful part in the test, all candidates are having a great enthusiasm towards getting their UP JE Exam Cut Off Marks 2020.
UPPCL Junior Engineer Result 2020
By accessing all details from this page, we assure all seeking that they will surely find what they have been looking for all the time. We request such candidates to share their experience in the exam via the comment box as mentioned in the section on the lowest side of this page. For more details about UPPCL JE Result, you can also visit the official site of the authority because at first the information is uploaded there.
The department will shortly release a notice notifying the applied and appeared applicants regarding the UPPCL Junior Engineer Result. This will be declared for those candidates only who had appeared for this Junior Engineer Exam. We can expect how eager the candidates are forgetting or downloading their UP Junior Engineer Results which can only or merely be downloaded via the official site of the authority (please check the bottom of this page to know web address). For more details about merit list, please check the official site.
प्रिय उम्मीदवार 11 फरवरी, 2020 को यूपीपीसीएल जूनियर इंजीनियर लिखित परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन करने वाले उम्मीदवार मार्च और अप्रैल के महीने में उत्तर प्रदेश पावर कॉरपोरेशन लिमिटेड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर यूपीपीसीएल जेई के परिणाम देख पाएंगे।
UPPCL JE Result 2020 Download
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited is the authority which was in controlling past date for conducting the conducting the JE Exam. It had invited a huge number of candidates for filling up 1196 vacancies of Junior Engineer (Electrical Trainee). Insofar as the examination is taken account, it was organized by the authority in which a lot of attentive applicants have given their participation. At the present, such candidates are curiously checking their UP JE Result 2020. The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of selection procedure made by the organization
UPPCL Junior Engineer Result Date
Date of Examination: Feb 2020
Results Declaration Date: Available in April
No matter how hard it would have been in the examination, we advise all seekers to have patience. The status of their scorecards will be as same as they are assuming (as per their performance in the exam).
UPPCL JE Cut Off Marks 2020
If the candidates do not want to wait for the scorecards that will be released finally, they can check out their UP JE Exam Expected Cut Off Marks which are declared taking the cutoff marks of previous year into consideration so as to give an idea to all seeking contenders. It will not take much time for the scorecards or outcomes to be out as the authority is currently working on the process. Whenever it is decided by the in-charge authority to release, the candidates will get it all the way via the official site. Also, check best interview tips, if you are seeking the same.
UP Junior Engineer Expected Cut Off Marks: Dear Candidates Cut off a list is based on difficulty level of examination Paper, total No. of positions & No. of aspirants. Please look forward to more news.
Category | JE Trainee Cut Off Marks |
GENERAL | 121.75 Marks |
OBC | 117 Marks |
SC | 106 Marks |
ST | 92.25 Marks |
Download UPPCL JE Result Date 2020
- Go to the official site as mentioned below.
- Then, navigate to the latest merit list or notification section.
- Click on the suitable link.
- Provide all asked details and submit the same.
- At last, download the scorecards and check the status.
The candidates are therefore suggested check UPPCL Junior Engineer Result 2020 from the official link that is clearly provided below. For more updates, please keep visiting this page.
UPPCL JE Result (Available Here Soon)
Visit the official website- www.uppcl.org