This news is being generated to provide detailed information about MUHS Nashik Result 2019. The Examination Controller, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, will now deliver the UG PG Exam Results to registered candidates.
Students aspiring to complete their Medical Courses need to go through these details and find useful information. MUHS Winter Result 2019 has been declared for varied UG and PG courses at
MUHS Nashik Result 2019
Those medical students awaiting the latest updates need to know what is happening about the exams held for the academic season. For the Medical courses BAMS, BHMS, BDS, BUMS, Basic Nursing, P.B.Sc., BASLP, BPTH BPMT, MBBS, BPMT, MDS, MS (Ayurveda), MS (Unani), M.Sc, MOTH, MPTH, MASLP, M.Sc. Pharmaceutical, Medicine, and PG DMLT, as well as the Theoretical and Practical examinations, are conducted every year.
Around thousands of students get to attend their Sessional and semester-wise exams to gain the certification and ease through to the successive academic year. Conducted twice a year, the Varsity examinations are the biggest concern for the enrolled participants in April-May and November-December sessions. Check this update propagated for the Winter sessions.
MUHS Nashik Winter Result 2019 MBBS, BDS, BAMS
This is undoubtedly the most important and awaited news for MUHS students. Regarding the MUHS Nashik Result 2019 concern, unofficial and official sources have been considered to present the exam-related news to curious students.
The examinations were carried out in the Summer and Winter sessions of April, May, June, and October without a fuss, and according to the received information, the examination process has been running absolutely on time. The next update will arrive now, and marks will be published here. Please take a look at the MUHS Time Table for Other Courses (Check Winter Exam Dates)
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Summer and Winter Result 2019
Winter-2019: PG Medical MD/MS/Diploma MBBS Supply Results Declared Now Check the Url
Also, verify the UG Supplementary-2019 Result
Courses | Individual Result | College Wise Result |
Final Ayurved-2012 (M.D./M.S.)
B.D.S Pre & Final M.D.Homeopathy B.Sc.ParaMedical Technology(2013) M.B.A. (HCA), M.P.H. (PHN), Diploma in Optometry & Ophthalmic Sciences B.P.Th. PBBSc NURSING B.P.O. & B.A.S.L.P. B.O.Th M.P.Th. PG-D.M.L.T. M.Sc.Pharmaseutical Medicine M.A.S.L.P. M.Sc.(Nursing) M.D.S.(Part-I) Medical (D.M./M.CH.) M.B.A. (HCA) M.P.H. (PHN) Diploma in Optometry & Ophthalmic Sciences B.Sc.Optometry MDS MMSPCC Fellowship (Medical, Ayurved, Homeopathy) Fellowship (Dental Nursing B.A.M.S.(2017) B.D.S (Except 4 New) B.Sc.ParaMedical Technology(2013) B.A.M.S.(2010) B.A.M.S.(2012) B.D.S (Only 2nd NEW B.P.Th.(Only Final Year) B.U.M.S bhms result nashik university Pre. M.D./M.S.-2012 (Ayurved) Final Ayurved-2012 (M.D./M.S.) Pre. M.D./M.S.-2017 (Ayurved) Pre & Final M.D.Homeopathy(2012) Pre. M.D.Homeopathy 2016 CCMP B.O.Th (M.D./M.S) (Only Obgy. & Gen. Medicine) M.M.S.P.C.C All Diploma (Medical) M.P.O M.D.S. PART-I PARAMEDICAL DIPLOMA M.Sc.Pharmaceutical Medicine M.B.A. (HCA) M.P.H. (PHN) B.Sc.Optometry M.Sc.(Nursing) (Except I Year M.O.Th M.P.T.(Except II Year) M.D. Unani MASLP PG-DMLT MPTh. M.D.S |
MDS (Part-I)Results
(D.M./M.CH.) MDS (Part-I) MMSPCC fellowship Results fellowship (Dental) Results Nursing B.A.M.S.(2017) B.D.S (Except 4) B.Sc.Paramedical Technology(2013) B.A.M.S. B.A.M.S.(2012) BDS (Only 2nd News) BPTh.(Only Final Year BUMS BHMS.(Except old 2015) Pre 2012 MD/MS Ayurved Final Ayurved -2012 (MD/M.S Pre.2017 M.D./M.S.Ayurved M.D.Homeopathy (2012) M.D.Homeopathy (2016) CCMP B.O.Th Medical (M.D./M.S) (Only Obgy. & Gen. Medicine) MMSPCC All Diploma (Medical) Results MUHS M.P.O Results MDS-PART-I Paramedical Diploma Check Now Check Now Result Check Here Get Now Available Now Updated Now M.D./M.S.Unani GET Marksheet PG-D.M.L.T MPTh MDS Result |
MDS College wise
D.M./M.CH.Collegewise MDS College wise MMSPCC College Wise Result CollegeWise Result B.A.M.S.(2017) College Wise B.Sc.Paramedical College wise CollegeWise CollegeWise CollegeWise BPTh College Wise BUMS College Wise Result BHMS. College Wise Result Pre 2012 MD/M.S.Ayurved wise 2012 (MD/M.S) Collegewise Pre.2017 MD/MS Collegewise Homoeopathy Collegewise Homoeopathy Collegewise CCMP College Wise B.O.Th. College Wise M.D./MS/MSc_Biochem.College wise Check Pdf College wise Results M.P.O. College wise MDS PART-I College-wise Collegewise ParaMedical Get College Wise Collegewise College wise Result College Wise Collegewise College wise College wise College wise MASLP College wise PG DMLT College wise College wise MDS College wise |
B.P.Th. | ||
PBBSc. | ||
M.B.B.S (Except I Year) |
MBBS (Except I Year | College Wise Result |
Course | Individual Marks | College wise Result |
All Diploma (Medical) | All Diploma (Medical) | Diploma(Medical) College Wise |
(M.D./M.S/M.Sc_ Biochem) |
(M.D./M.S//M.Sc_ Biochem) | M.D./MS/MSc_Biochem. |
M.Sc.Pharmaseutical Medicine | ||
Paramedical Diploma |
B.U.M.S. | |
CCMP | |
B.A.M.S.(2010) | |
B.A.M.S.(2012) | |
B.A.M.S.(2017) | |
B. H. M. S. |
M.D. Unani | M.D./M.S.Unani | |
M.P.O. | M.P.O | |
PG-Ayurved -Diploma | PG-Ayurved-Diploma | |
M.D.S. | ||
M.O.Th. | ||
M.P.Th. | ||
M.P.T. | ||
M.P.H. (PHN) | ||
PG-D.M.L.T. | ||
M.A.S.L.P. | ||
M.B.A. (HCA) | ||
M.Sc.(Nursing) |
B.Sc.Optometry | ||
M.D. Unani | ||
PG-Ayurved -Diploma | ||
M.B.A. (HCA) | ||
M.P.H. (PHN) | ||
M.P.T. | ||
PG-D.M.L.T. | ||
B.Sc.ParaMedical Technology(2013) | ||
Pre. M.D.Homeopathy 2016 |
MUHS Result Declaration for Winter Exam
MUHS UG Exam Result | PG Exam Summer Result |
Master of Sciences(Health Professions Education)(Summer Examination)
Fellowship/Certificate Course Result (Medical) Check Here Now
Fellowship/Certificate Course Result (Dental) Get Now
You can also Check the MUHS UG PG Marksheet Here:
Exam Conducting Body: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
Programs Details: Medicine, Nursing, Ayurveda 3, 4, and 5-year Degree Courses (UG and PG)
Academic Session: Winter
Examination Timing: Nov Dec
MUHS Result Announcement: Published

MUHS UG PG Result 2019 MBBS, BDS
The examination controller will make the final judgment on behalf of the admin and Examination Cell of the Maharashtra University of Health Science. Check MUHS Nashik Result Winter UG PG MBBS, BDS, Nursing Pharma will be announced and notified through the main web gateway approved for user interaction and communication.
Please stay connected to this website to collect the news and gather the key information regarding your Undergraduate and Postgraduate exams. It is equally important for all the candidates to keep in regular touch with the main website. Get more BSNL Jobs for Freshers (Applied Now)
Several medical and nursing programs are offered and taught to students every year. Many students enroll in the opted courses as newcomers to 3-year, 4-year, and 5-year degree courses. The scores will be shown on the main website year-wise and name-wise.
Also Read: KSDNEB GNM Result 2020 Feb Supplementary Results MUHS Nashik Result 2019
- The steps are simple to follow, log on to the authorized web media stated, “”
- Turn to the left panel available on the homepage and find the Student’s Corner.
- Visit the segment and follow a proper link to fetch the Muhs Nashik result.
- The list holds the names of the exams, names, and years, respectively.
- Reach the login page and enter your login credentials such as Name, Roll Number and print the marks.
MUHS Winter Result 2019 UG PG
If you read the guidelines specified above, then you can Download the MUHS Winter Result using the official link. For the students’ convenience, here is a direct link to the official web page.
Applied students or students of the campus can directly download the Maharashtra University of Health Science Result with the help of this direct Official Link created at the end. We are aware of all our users. If you have any queries regarding the marks and suitable links relevant to this article, then you can ask for help via the comment box or bookmark this web page for final updates.
Noteworthy Link:
- Check your Marks Status here: Direct Official Link.
- To gather more information, visit