UP Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Result 2020 UPJN AE Results, Cut off

Here are important and elaborated details for candidates, who are waiting for UP Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Result 2020. Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has taken recent examinations for different posts. The Assistant Engineer written examination is one in 2020. After, appearing in the exams, all the participants are looking for UPJN AE Cut Off 2020 which can be checked through the official link given at the end of the page here.

UP Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Result 2020

This time, there were several vacancies for the posts of Junior Engineer, Stenographer, Clerk, and Assistant Engineer in the departments. Applicants are once again informed that there was a total of various posts to be filled. The written exams and CBT exams were taken separately for each post on different days. Now all the eyes are up for the Result updates for lots of vacancies of Assistant Engineer (Civil, Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical) that can be availed here in the downward segments of this web post. Also Check, UPJN Junior Engineer Result Updates


Latest News: UPJN AE Bharti Results Updated here. Dear Candidates Uttar Pradesh Government. Get other significant detail here after reading the whole paragraph.

UPJN Assistant Engineer Results. Please Check the below settled link and obtain the Results or the List of Candidates Selected for the Vacancy of Assistant Engineer.

UP Jal Nigam AE Result 2020

As per the recent news, the contestants can get to know their status in UP Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Cut Off. There were four examinations that were taken on different dates; Junior Engineer and Assistant Engineer. Both the JE and AE exams were Computer-Based Tests. UP Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Result 2020 Available Now. Find out how you can check your Results Online.

UP Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Result

Updates About: UP Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Result 2020

Recruiting Organization: Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam

Job Name: Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer


Number of Positions: varied

Job Location: Uttar Pradesh

Interview & Exam DateMention Here

Result StatusPublished Here

UPJN AE Merit List 2020

There are some necessary points to note while checking the status in UPJN AE Merit List The results that students and applicants are looking for will be available in a pdf format. To Download UP Jal Nigam AE Cut Off, proper and easy to follow steps has been mentioned in the following part. Also, a validated official link is presented to help aspirants find the list easily.

As you all know, there was written exams taken for Stenographer and Clerical posts, earlier in August; the typing test is still to be concluded. While the Computer Based test for AE and JE posts is under process which is announced now. As the examinations were state level, it is a golden opportunity not to be missed. The cut off for the Technical posts is to be decided as per the category and number of appearing candidates.

Also read: TSGENCO Assistant Engineer Result 2020 TS GENCO AE Cut Off Marks

Steps to Check UP Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Result 2020

  • All the JE and AE contestants must enter the address in the Google search bar, “www.upjn.org”
  • After reaching the homepage of the site, visit the Recruitment or Career-Related Section Page.
  • Look for an updated result link for the aforementioned exams.
  • Follow the same and collect the Merit list in a pdf file format.
  • Start checking your Roll Number very carefully.
  • For the AE and JE posts, the next step is the Interview, start preparing for it.

UPJN Assistant Engineer Result 2020

Here on this web page, we are trying our best to provide the complete information about UPJN Assistant Engineer Interview Result 2020. In case, if we forgot to mention any details please aware us. Whenever we get any further updates regarding Merit list of Cut off marks, then we will add to this web page. Keep watching this website to get the latest Sarkari Naukri updates.

Selection Process:

Candidates selection for the UPJN Recruitment for Assistant Engineer posts followed:

  • Computer Based Test
  • Personal Interview

All such aspirants who called for the Personal Interview Process they have to attend the Interview round for completing the final selection Procedure. In case, any candidate who failed or skips the interview round will directly be disqualified from the Selection process.

UPJN AE Latest Updates:

UP Jal Nigam Recruitment UPJN Assistant Engineer Dates
Date of Written Examination
UP Jal Nigam AE Result declaration
List of candidates shortlisted for interview announced
Final Result or Interview Result

Updated Links:

Visit here for more Updates: www.upjn.org.