UP ITI Merit List 2019 Admission Cut off, Seat Allotment, Counselling

Vyavsayik Pareeksha Parishad Uttar Pradesh is going to publish UP ITI Merit List 2019 online. The aspirants looking to seek admission for the current year in ITI courses need to read these updates now. The First Round UP ITI 1st Admission Merit List/Cut Off 2019 now available. Kindly, follow these guidelines and a validated link to fetch the same. Please refer to the segments given below.

UP ITI Merit List 2019

Uttar Pradesh Industrial Training Institute has announced that the first Uttar Pradesh ITI Merit List 2019 is going to be started in a few days to come. The admission process is being carried out in order to fill the seats for the various trades for the current year. Lakhs of students have applied to gain the admission to several courses also called trades such as Electrical, Fitter, Refrigeration, Machinist, Turner, Computers, and others. This procedure is held at the state level and by this time every year, the admissions get started. Check Here: UP ITI Date Sheet


UP ITI Admission Merit List 2019

Hey, contestants UP ITI 2nd Seat Allotment Result Published Now for all the Candidates who want to take Admission in the Respected College also verify the 3rd merit list or selected students and then Report to an Institute. Check your Entrance  Allotted Merit List Here: VPPUP ITI Semester Wise Result

Dear students get ready and don’t forget to check your status in the UP ITI Merit List 2019. The 1st Merit List / Cut Off and Selected Students List Admission List recently UPLOADED HERE and everyone participating in the admissions for this academic session need to know that the selection will be done in four rounds of selection. For more information, read down the page and visit the official web address stated at the end of the update. The Last date for the Admission Against this Merit List will be released here. Stay connected for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Merit List soon released Here.

Talking about the details, the Official Department updated that 5.45 Lac Application form received this year for 1.16 Lakh Seats in 217 Institutes. If you want to know some other details check out below details and images:


Declaration for: UP ITI Merit List 2019 Admission Authority: Uttar Pradesh Industrial Training Institute Uttar Pradesh Vyavsayik Pareeksha Parishad Certified Affiliation: Two-Year NCVT and SCVT Courses Academic Session: July-August 1st Admission Merit List Declaration Date: Available Here

UP ITI Counselling Date 2019

Also, keep in mind that selection is based on UP ITI Seat Allotment for which UP ITI Counselling Date 2019 will be taking place. For a total number of 69,014 seats offered by 219 government Industrial Training Institute colleges, and 1,69,332 seats by private colleges, the entire admission is to be conducted in 4 rounds seat allotment and counseling.up iti merit list

Later, the candidates can take part in the admission for Group A and Group B courses as per their preferences and liking. To help students further, a list of the seat allocation process is given below. Kindly, note all the relevant details that are listed down under.


UP ITI Counselling Round 1:

  • In the first round, a list will be arranged according to the candidate’s choice of courses, whether Course A or Course B.
  • 25% seats will be reserved based on Block Level, Tehsil, District Level and the State Level.
  • Preference will be done Trade of the candidates and NCVT Courses.
  • Students can fill for a maximum of 6 choices in any 3 Districts.
  • The district-wise seats will be allotted in Group A and if candidates manage to secure the seat in the Group A, then there will be no allocation in Group B.
  • Kindly, remember to participate in the first round of seat allocation, if any student misses out on taking part, then S/he will be not be called for the next round.

UP ITI Counselling Second Round:

  • The allocation will be done for the remaining seats, for which the Merit List will also be displayed on the official website.
  • Students will also be receiving a notification via their mobile phone numbers and they will have 6 days to apply for the admission.
  • Those not participating in this segment will not be considered or attend the next round.

UP ITI Counselling Third Round:

  • Candidates need to report within four days after receiving the notification.
  • The notification can also be collected from the internet as well as the local newspaper.
  • In the third round, those not being allotted any seats will be considered.
  • After the completion of the third round, the remaining seats will be considered as Unreserved and will be filled in the fourth Round.

UP ITI Counselling Fourth Round:

  • For the remaining seats, the candidates will be called to take admission within the next 7 days of the notification announcement.
  • The registered applicants will be called to get the documents verified by the officials of the Institute within the next three days. UP Lekhpal Recruitment

How to Download UP ITI Merit List 2019

  • Find the official web address namely, “www.vppup.in”
  • Find the UP ITI Merit List pdf Link.
  • Follow it and reach the pdf file to download it and get it printed to check your status in it.

VPPUP ITI Seat Allotment 2019 Cut off

Dear Candidates, first of all, you will get UP ITI Seat Allotment Letter for the admission in the allotted college or institute. Here we customized all the detailed information about the VPPUP ITI Seat Allotment 2019 Cut off List at this web section. Hence, we advise be calm and look forward to this website.

Check Here: VPPUP ITI 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Merit List Here

For more information about up iti counselling, visit here: www.vppup.in