RVUNL Result 2020 Rajasthan Junior Engineer AEN JEN Cut off

Hello, Participants here are RVUNL Result 2020 updates for you. As you are aware that the Computer-based test for Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer exam was held in 2020 and Cut off is being calculated by the exam taking authority right now. Rajasthan AEN, JEN Junior Engineer Chemist Cut off 2020 will be uploaded on the internet now.

RVUNL Result 2020

The Rajasthan State government owned organization which is also known as RVUNL, in short, is a limited company that manages and distribute power services in the state. Earlier, this organization had announced about lots of vacant posts of Junior Engineer, Junior Chemist, and Assistant Engineer in the state departments. Interested appliers had successfully participated in the online registrations and afterward the CBT which was held in seven different states.


UPDATES: Dear Aspirants download the RVUNL Result for AEN & JEN (Electrical) & JEN (Mechanical/C&I/Civil/F&S) IA, Chemist issue here Shortly. and List of candidates called for Documents verification from the below section. We soon Updated the Assistant, Junior Engineer or Chemist Results on this section.

RVUNL Junior Engineer Cut Off Marks 2020

The recent news from our sources suggests that RVUNL AE Junior Engineer Cut off 2020 is underway and in the final stage. The authority is expected to release the Merit List for this test in a few days to come. In total, the application was filled by lots of aspirants for various vacancies. The competition is considered to be tough as the cut off is also believed to go high. check Technical Helper Result Date

To know more in details about RVUNL JEN Result 2020, read the following statistics and check the expected cut off for this exam. Finally, visit the official link that is mentioned at the last of this article. Based on the predictions and experts’ calculations, the RVUNL JEN expected Cutoff has been given as follows. Let’s check it out.Also Verify, JVVNL Helper Result

Categories RVUNL AEN JEN Expected Cut off
General/Unreserved (GEN/UR) 50-55 marks
Backward Class (BC) 45-50 marks
Scheduled Castes (SC) 40-45 marks
Scheduled Tribes (ST) 40-45 marks
Special Backward Category (SBC) 38-40 marks
Person with Disability (PwD) 30-36 marks
  • News Type: RVUNL Result 2020
  • Exam Conducting Authority: Rajasthan Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
  • Name of Posts: Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer, and Junior Chemist
  • Total Posts: Various
  • Job Location: Rajasthan
  • Examination Date: 2020
  • Result Status: Released Shortly

राजस्थान स्टेट पावर जनरेशन कॉरपोरेशन लिमिटेड ने 2020 के महीने में कनिष्ठ अभियंता और सहायक अभियंता नौकरियों की लिखित परीक्षा पूरी की। अभ्यर्थियों, जिन्होंने इस परीक्षा में प्रयास किया है, इस वेब पेज पर जा सकते हैं और अंतिम कट ऑफ, मेरिट सूची प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। आप यहां राजस्थान आरवीयूएनएल जूनियर अभियंता के लिए अपेक्षित कट ऑफ सूची भी देख सकते हैं।

rvunl result

RVUNL Assistant Engineer Result 2020

Candidates are also notified here that the computer-based test was conducted in seven different states of India, whereas the recruitment will be done only in Rajasthan. The states were namely Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan. The examination was organized in 32 different cities for the applicants that also went successfully. Speaking in terms of difficulty level, the paper was a moderate level. Many of the aspirants have been curious to know their status in the Final cut off.

Rajasthan State Power AEN JEN Exam 2020 Results

Applicants are also advised that after checking their state in the final Merit List, they need to start preparing for their final interview. As soon as the Merit gets uploaded, the next selection process will be a personal interview. For this test, candidates will further be notified through the main website.


Instruction to Obtain RVUNL Result 2020

  • Applicants must log on to the main web portal which is, “www.energy.rajasthan.gov.in”
  • After reaching the homepage of the website, focus on the career section and look out RVUNL Result AEN JEN.
  • On this page, you’ll see different links.
  • Find and follow the one relevant to your Exam.
  • Download a pdf of Merit list and start checking your Roll Number in it.
  • Check each Roll number very carefully and you can also get a print of this list for further convenience.

Links to Remember:

S.No. Company Name Final Result for Assistant Engineer
1 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd.
2 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd.
3 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.
4 Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.
5 Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.

Download RVUNL JEN, Chemist Result

S.No. Company Name List of candidates called for Documents verification
1 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Soon Updated
2 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd.
3 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.
4 Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.
5 Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.
  • Check your Rajasthan Assistant & Junior Engineer Chemist Results Here
  • Official Website: energy.rajasthan.gov.in

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