MP SET Result 2019 | MPPSC State Eligibility Test Cut off Marks

Readers are advised to direct their attention to MP SET Result 2019 update bearing thus handy information about examination and marks. Madhya Pradesh PSC publishes MPPSC State Eligibility Test Cut off Marks a couple of months after Paper for the Associate Professor jobs. Scroll downward and come to know more about the cut off marks & some other suitable detail which were specially designed for all those contestants who is gone through this test.

MP SET Result 2019

Along with the competent State govt campus in Madhya Pradesh, PSC conducts State Eligibility Test for filling vacated seats in the govt institution and campus. Under the provisional press release issued this year, the authority carries out a selection test for Associate/Assistant Professor posts. Many of the desirous applicants have registered to participate in the competitive test that is held as per schedule arranged by the regulatory body. Here is the significant news alert that is most useful for the contestants who took part in the exam and seeking for MPPSC SET Result.

News Alert MP SET Result 2019
Examination Controlling Body Madhya Pradesh PSC Bhopal
Authority Undertaking State Govt
Positions to Fill Assistant Professor
Positions No. Under Consideration
Selection System Written test and Rank/Score Card/Certification Issuance
Results Status TBA

MP SET Result 2019 Date

Examinees need to remember that the selection strategy is based on the rules of higher percentage secured in the test. MPPSC State Eligibility Test Result, thus, plays an important role in the final process of selection. For selecting the eligible and deserving candidates onto these vacancies, the Commission sets simple rules for further transparency according to which, top 15% participants will be declared eligible to be certified for the designated vacancies.

MP SET Result

MPPSC SET Cut Off Marks 2019

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AS known that there are three papers held, these are mandatory to qualify for the contenders. Those making their way through to all the three, i.e. Paper-I, II, and III respectively. While the authority is preparing the final results, the contestants are constantly looking up for MPPSC SET Cut Off Marks as the same play a definitive role in the final selection procedure.


एमपी राज्य पात्रता परीक्षा परिणाम 2019 उन सभी के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज है जो एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर नौकरियों के रूप में किराए पर ले रहे हैं। अभ्यर्थियों को परिणाम के अनुसार परिणाम की जांच करनी चाहिए और यह भी सत्यापित करना चाहिए कि उनका नाम मेरिट सूची पीडीएफ में है या लिखित परीक्षा में भाग लेने के बाद नहीं। किसी भी तरह के भ्रम से बचने के लिए यहां हम परिणामों की जांच करने के लिए कुछ बुनियादी कदम भी देते हैं, इसलिए कृपया इन्हें भी देखें।

MP State Eligibility Test Result 2019

The major contributors to the official cut off marks are the category, total no of competitors, and the difficulty level of papers. Where the necessity is to clear the test, the prime focus of examinees is to gain the optimum percentage of marks in each category constituting to a grand total worth withstanding a chance of any rejection. A final list of shortlisted applicants shall be arranged for the entrants of this State-Level test with the publication of such, the final status of MP SET Result 2019 shall be announced confirmed.

Gramin Dak Sevak Bharti


MPPSC SET Result 2019 Latest News

As eyes are on the recent activities taken into order to deduce the outcome, candidates on their part, are advised to stay focused on the scores and related link or updates that float on the internet in the meantime. The State Government has direct intervention in this matter as the postings shall be done on the basis of selection rules.

Follow the guidelines provided above and use an authenticated link to get to know news and alerts about this test. If any problem occurs while accessing the official website, then let the author know about such. Reach us through the comments box provided at the end of this page.

MP SET Merit List 2019 Pdf

Leading web portal of State PSC is, “” and every concerned examinee needs to visit the same regularly. In the recent news and announcements section of the landing page, results are subject to be revealed. Readers should focus on the main section containing a set of links. Follow the one listed along with Test Title. Reach the MP SET Result and put your credentials to know your exam status. Print your status report and generate its hard copy for any referential use.

Download Madhya Pradesh SET Result here

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