Dear candidates, have you checked MP PAHUNT Result 2020 yet? The written test also named MPPEB Pre Ayurved Homeopathy Unani Naturopathy & Yoga Test Entrance Exam was held in the upcoming month of 2020 for the medical entrants this year.
MP PAHUNT Result 2020
Many of the aspiring admission seekers were there to attend the test and are searching for the latest results updates. This information has been brought to such examinees. They are advised to read this article and follow the official details generated herein regarding the expected cut off marks merit list.
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board is the state level authority to conduct this exam for the admissions every year. Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pareeksha Mandal had issued an application notification for the entry test. To get admission to the different Unani courses, it is an important task to qualify for the seat.
Students competing for this year had to appear in the exam on the specified day and date. Now they are eying the MP Vyapam PAHUNT Merit List whether they are selected or not.
Dear Candidates Obtain MP PAHUNT Result 2020 Exam Cut off, Merit List, MP Vyapam released the Pahunt Entrance Exam result. Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Cut off Marks, Merit List, Counselling Date details available here now. Find: Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Recruitment
This update is quite a positive one for the ones looking here and there for their status in the MP Vyapam PAHUNT Entrance Exam Result 2020. Be duly informed that the written entrance test was taken state-wide for the registered participants. Those appearing in this test need to grab all the latest and forthcoming news here for the Board will be updating the resultant data on the internet media only. BSNL Recruitment News
MP Vyapam PAHUNT Result 2020 Detail
Announcement Type: MP PAHUNT Result 2020
Name of the Board: Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board
Name of Test: Pre Ayurved Homeopathy Unani Naturopathy & Yoga Test Entrance Exam
Courses Offered: Pre Ayurved Homeopathy / Unani Naturopathy /Yoga
Examination Level: State Level
Test Date: 2020
Date of the Result Declaration: Released in some days
MP PAHUNT Cut off Marks 2020
It is still a matter of precision to say about MP Vyapam PAHUNT Entrance Expected Cut off Marks. Several factors like students’ strength, exam level of difficulty, and category applied for by the aspirants will be playing the crucial role in deducing the exact cut-off for this year. Do keep checking here, because the last and recent most news will be arranged here as per the management and Directorate of Technical Education.
There were two papers conducted for the entrants each of which had 100 questions holding 1 mark each. Paper-I was of Physics and Chemistry, while Paper-II had questions based on Zoology and Botany. The test was based on the 10+2 level hence, the competition can be considered as breakneck.
Be prepared and keep checking the next thing to take care of. The mp pahunt counselling shall begin as soon as the final judgment is given by the Board. Those getting through the rounds of Counselling and selection will be able to gain admission to BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, and BNYS courses.
How to Check MP PAHUNT Result 2020
- Type the official web address given by MPPEB PAHUNT Admission test Result which is, “”.
- Switch to the result Section given on the homepage and find a relevant link.
- Users can also look at the Latest updates board displayed on the homepage.
- Follow that link and reach the candidate’s login page.
- There, you need to enter your Roll Number or Date of Birth and press the submit button.
- Finally, get a hard copy of the same for a future reference for pahunt counselling.
MP PAHUNT Merit List 2020
Examinees can also download MP PAHUNT Exam Merit List, Result Date by using the official reference. For more information, kindly reach the below-mentioned addresses and gain the much-sought piece of information here. Candidates also can get this information on this page. After releasing the examination scorecard candidates will invite to complete the MP Pahunt Counselling procedure to release MP Pahunt First Counselling List.
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