MAHAGENCO LDC Result 2020 Lower Division Clerk Cut off, Merit List

The Maharashtra GENCO executes the Lower Divisional Clerk written paper in a good manner. This exam was held on 1st and 2nd December and was attended by many. Now the administration panel for recruitment and placement is set to issue MAHAGENCO LDC Result 2020 online. Examinees need to check the latest information brought here and are advised to proceed accordingly to grab MAHAGENCO Lower Division Clerk Result.


Following the current suitable process, the career cell under Maharashtra State Power Generation Company carried out a State-level examination for LDC posts. A total of 107 vacancies will be filled as per propagated by the nominating body and all the through direct recruitment.


Those who possess eligibility and proper education had appeared for this competition at the State-level. Most of the concerns and curiosity is about MAHAGENCO LDC Cut off Marks that are yet to be deduced. MCGM Mumbai Bharti (Labour Group B vacancy)

While the adjudicating panel is evaluating the test deeply, the contestants need to remain calm and progressive towards the next selection phase. This test was carried out on two consecutive days of December, which are 1st and 2nd. A 100-marks test was held for the examinees and MAHAGENCO LDC Result 2020 shall display the names and obtained scores on the basis of their performance. Please note down Upcoming MAHAGENCO Jobs (Engineer Jobs)

MAHAGENCO Lower Division Clerk Result 2020

  • Notifying Alert: MAHAGENCO LDC Result 2020
  • Recruiting Body: Maharashtra State Power Generation Company, A State Govy Panel
  • Posts to Fill: Lower Division Clerk
  • Number of Seats: 107
  • Type of Recruitment: Direct/ State Govt Job/Permanent
  • Method of Selection: CBT /Online Test/ Skill test
  • Placement Department: Human Resources and Accounts
  • Work Locations: Sub-units and substations under the jurisdiction
  • Date of Conduct of Test: 2020


Amidst all the processes, the majorly concerned search is about the declaration of MAHAGENCO Lower Division Clerk Cut off Marks this is duly considered with respect to several determining factors. While the government rules apply for every recruitment, the reservation policies also come to effect for such.


This official mahagenco cut off shall be deduced on parameters like the Category, the total attendance, reservation Quota, seat availability, highest mahagenco result 2020 and the difficulty level of the exam.


MAHAGENCO LDC Expected Cut off Marks:

CAT Min Marks Cut Off
Gen Cat 40 55 to 65
OBC 30 50 to 55
SC 30 40 to 50
ST 30 30 to 40

MAHAGENCO LDC Merit List 2020

Moreover, the Mahagenco ldc merit list pdf will be arranged and uploaded to the mainstream internet media for further convenience of the general public. The aptitude test that was organised at several authorised locations across the state and was hugely anticipated by the appliers.


While the first stage of selection is underway conclusion, participants are suggested remaining in preparation for the next phase of selection. A skill test will be held for the qualified ones about which, they shall be notified in the coming days regarding mahagenco result. Mahadiscom Vacancy News Lower Division Clerk Result 2020

Keeping the update restricted to the dedicated web gateway only, the authority is not responsible to intimate the contestants through ordinary posts or letters. Thus, candidates with mobile number and email registered at the segment, must verify their inbox or keep visiting the internet gateway for forthcoming alerts or notification. ESIC Maharashtra Bharti (Medical Jobs)


Visit the approved web address of the organisation which is, “” and head straight to the Career section on the landing page. Look for a highlighted notice with reference to the Advertisement Number. Follow it and reach a suitable segment and put login details. Submit the data and obtain your marks, and print a hard version of it for later references.

आने वाले नवीनतम समाचारों के मुताबिक, विभाग को आगामी दिनों में दिसंबर परीक्षा के लिए महाजेंको लोअर डिवीजन क्लर्क परिणाम अपलोड कर दिया गया है। सभी प्रिय उम्मीदवारों को ऊपर स्थित ताजा और नए निर्देशों का उपयोग करके MAHAGENCO LDC Result 2020 प्राप्त करने के लिए सूचित किया जाता है। अधिक नियमित अपडेट प्राप्त करने के लिए, कृपया इस वेबसाइट के साथ रहें।

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