Hey, applicants, the Union Public Service Commission will ready to conduct the Indian Forest Service examination at the various centers. Those applicants who have applied for this notification at that time have been busy in the exam preparation.
But all those know very well without the exam syllabus he/she will not qualify for this examination. The exam authority will conduct this examination on the tough scale and most of all applicants don’t qualify this examination very easily. So for this applicants must search the IFS Syllabus 2020 online.
IFS Syllabus 2020
The UPSC IFS Job is very important for the applicants and everybody to want this job but the selection of this will complete on the basis of written examination and personal interview. So for the completion of the written examination process applicants must search the ifs syllabus pdf download. Applicants check this page and collect all detail with the help of this page. Also Check, Indian Forest Service Notification
- Name of Organization: Union Public Service Commission.
- Name of Post: Indian Forest Service (IFS).
- Pre Exam Date: 2020
- Main Exam Date: 2020
- No of Vacancies: Various.
- Category: Central Govt. Job.
IFS 2020 Exam Books Study Material
Indian Forest Service Syllabus 2020
Aspirants, you know that with the help of the exam syllabus you will get all detail about the examination like the subject topic and total question etc. So appliers must check this section and collect UPSC IFS Syllabus. Then get the idea and prepare an exam time table and give your best in the examination. Also Download IFS Admit Card
General English Syllabus
- Essay and passages to write a summary
- The standard level of papers in General English
- General Knowledge is designed for a Science or Engineering graduate of an Indian University.
- Other questions are designed to test a general understanding of English and everyday use of words.

General Knowledge
- Current Event of National and International importance
- History of India and Indian National Movement
- Indian and World Geography
- Indian polity and Governance
- Economic and Social Development
- General Science
Optional subjects
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Engineering
- Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Forestry
- Geology
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics
- Statistics
- Zoology
Optional Subjects Syllabus
UPSC IFS Pre Exam Pattern
S.No | Exam Type | Papers | Marks | Duration |
1. | Objective Type |
Paper-I | 200 Marks | 2 Hours |
2. | Paper-II | 200 Marks | 2 Hours |
Indian Forest Service exam consists of the following papers:
- Paper I: General English
- Paper-II: General Knowledge
Indian Forest Service Main Exam Pattern
At the time of examination, applicants must search the exam pattern because with the help of this applicant will get all idea and then prepare a proper time table for the exam. So applicants must check this section and collect IFS Exam pattern.
- This examination will conduct in a three-part.
- Descriptive exam
- This exam will conduct for 1400 marks and every part of this examination will contain the some which detail will mention in this table.
- In the 3 paper applicant will select the two optional subjects and each subject have to papers.
Subject Name | Marks |
Paper I – General English | 300 Marks |
Paper-II – General Knowledge | 300 Marks |
Paper III, IV, V & VI – Any two subjects to be selected from the list of optional subjects set out below. | 200 Marks for each paper |
Total marks | 1400 Marks |
UPSC IFS Previous Papers
General Knowledge
Math’s paper
Law paper
civil Eng
Mechanical Eng
Electrical Eng
Stats Paper
The aspirant for doing the best preparation also check these exam previous papers link and then give your 100% in exam and exam preparation.
Link to Be Focused On:
Collect Complete UPSC IFS Syllabus in the PDF file format.