ECIL GET Result 2020 Cut off Graduate Engineer Trainee Merit List

Hopefuls should check ECIL GET Result 2020 from here. Electronics Corporation of India Limited is all set to publish ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Cut off for the Computer Based Test held. The authority had conducted a national-level competitive exam on schedule and successfully. Thousands of examinees had attended their selection test and are waiting for the recent updates related to ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Results or Selection List that can be checked here easily. Read further details and obtain the relevant information about this ongoing recruitment.

ECIL GET Result 2020

ecil get result

Electronics Corporation of India Limited is a Public Sector Undertaking under the Department of Atomic Energy and is owned by the Government of India. The authority has several branches located across the Indian subcontinent and manufactures electronic support for building the nation. The organization had invited eligible candidates to apply for various posts available in the departments numbering 66 and all of them were for the profile of Graduate Engineer Trainee. Many had applied and actively participated in the online competitive exam recently. The next update to arrive on the net is related to the announcement of ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee results.


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ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Result 2020

Dear contestants, check the latest updates brought here regarding the Computer Based Test held by ECIL. The recruitment panel for authority is about to declare ECIL GET Result 2020 online. The same is to be notified about to the candidates who appeared for the examination in 2020. According to the official and non-official sources, next update is pending and Merit List shall be provided to the readers through official web media of this organization in March tentatively.

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ECIL GET Merit List 2020

Announcement Topic: ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Result

Recruiting Organization: Electronics Corporation of India Limited

Job Profile: Graduate Engineer Trainee


Total Seats: 88

Work Location: Hyderabad Unit

Selection Mode: Online Test and Practical

Examination Date:

Date of Marks Publish: 

ECIL GET Results Download 2020

  • Visit the official web media provided by the authority.
  • After landing on the homepage, locate the “Career” section and find an authenticated link.
  • Follow it and get through to the login page.
  • There, candidates need to put their Registration Number and Password or Date of Birth.
  • Hit the submit button and check your scores.
  • Examinees can also obtain the Merit List and Cut off using an alternate link provided in the notification section.
  • Get the ECIL GET Result printed and keep a hard copy of the same for future use.

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ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Cut off 2020

This competition is being conducted at a national-level for which the online test was organized at several locations across the country. To make the recruitment process and notification accessibility transparent, the authority will release all the related details on its official web address only. Along with the resultant scores and ECIL GET Exam Cut off, participants can download their Merit List using this updated information and link.

Be informed that besides the Computer Based Test, there are several other tests to clear including a practical and document verification. Those getting shortlisted for this next test shall be called up further and will be notified through authentic web media. This job profile is targeted to select the eligible engineers for the positions said above and only BE/B.Tech/M.Tech (Electrical/Civil/Electronics and Communications) engineering aspirants were eligible to apply. All the administrative details shall be dispatched from the headquarters of this organization and the same is to be updated on its official web media. All the general users and applicants can avail the same information through the main web portal as well.

ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Merit List 2020

Refer to the guidelines stated above and follow the main link to fetch ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Merit List. For more information, kindly, stay in touch with this career news portal. If you have any suggestions for improvement and views to share, leave your message to the author in the text box provided below.

इलैक्ट्रॉनिक्स कारपोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड GET Result Download Here