CSIR UGC NET June 2020 Application Form, Notification, Eligibility

Readers we have great news to share with you. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) ready to organize CSIR UGC NET June 2020 or Joint CSIR UGC National Eligibility Test in June (Tentative), in order to provide the Junior Research Fellowship to all the eligible aspirants.

Aspirants if you are interested in this before applying check eligibility CSIR UGC NET 2020 and then if you will meet the eligibility criteria must grab and fill CSIR UGC NET Application Form. Aspirants this application form process will complete on the offline mode. So the address of application form submission will give at the lower of this page.


CSIR UGC NET June 2020

This Joint CSIR UGC National Eligibility Test will be conducted in the month of December and June. Through this examination and order organization provide the Junior Research Fellowship to all the qualified candidates. Every year most of all applicants have participated in this process. This time applicants also eagerly will be waiting for this so applicants must check educational qualification, age limit, selection criteria, and registration fee through this page sections. Also, Check CSIR UGC NET Answer Key and Joint CSIR UGC NET Result

Joint CSIR UGC NET June 2020 Notification

Organization Name: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Course Exam Name: UGC National Eligibility Test


CSIR UGC NET 2020 Eligibility Criteria

If you want to participate in this test must complete 4-year program (B.Tech, B.E, B.Pharma, MBBS, M.Sc) with at least 55 % from a recognized university.

Those aspirants who have appeared in the final year of M.Sc or have done 10+2+3 years are also eligible for the applicants.

If you have brought the bachelor’s degree in science, engineering or in any other discipline, they are also capable of applying this CSIR UGC NET 2020. Get some more info about CSIR UGC NET Admit card


Age Limit:

The age limit detail will provide below:

For JRF (NET) – Interested aspirant’s age should not be more than 28 years and for more details about age relaxation checks the official notification as per the government rule.

For LS (NET) -There is no age limit for this examination.

Application Fees

The category-wise fee chart detail for this test will mention below:

  • General category- Rs. 1000/-
  • OBC/NCL category- Rs. 500/- Per Candidate
  • SC/ST/PH/VH category- 250/-

Payment Mode:

The candidates must deposit the examination fee at any branch of the Indian Bank across the country.

CSIR UGC NET 20@0 Online Registration Process

The interested candidates have to apply only through online mode after checking the official website of CSIR. Then check the notification and if you are eligible for this must fill this application form after downloading the application form. Attest all documents; passport size photo and signature with the form. The candidates have to send the hard copy of the application form along with all the required documents and e-challan at:

Postal Address:

Examination Unit, Human Resource

Development Group, CSIR Complex,

Opposite Institute of Hotel Management,

Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110012

CSIR UGC NET 2020 June Important Dates:

Starting date of Online application process Available Soon
Ending date of depositing Application of fees (all stations) Update Soon
Last Date of an online submission form It will release soon
Last date of receipt of duly completed hard copy of the online application in the examination unit Announce Soon
The closing date of receipt of duly filled hard copy of application form in the examination unit (from remote areas) Disclose Soon
Last date for receipt of a written request for change of examination center only on merit basis Available soon
The publication of a list of aspirants registered for test on CSIR HRDG official website It will Update Soon
Closing date for accepting of representation about non-registration for this test Update Soon
CSIR UGC NET Exam Date June 2020

CSIR UGC NET Exam Pattern:

The question paper will be divided into 3 sections- A, B, and C.

  • In section, A brings question-related to General Aptitude, Graphical Analysis, Logical Reasoning, Numeric Ability etc.
  • In section B, all questions will bring the MCQ type questions which will cover various topics of the concerned subject.
  • Through the section, C check the candidates’ knowledge of scientific concepts.
csir ugc net dec 2019
Subject Names Scores Exam Timing Time
Life Sciences  


Morning session- 9.00AM-12.00 Noon

Afternoon session- 2.00 PM-5.00 PM


3 hours

Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Chemical Sciences
Physical Sciences

CSIR UGC NET Admit Card 2020

Get your CSIR UGC NET Admit card via online mode because this hall is a significant document for getting admittance in the examination. Without entry ticket, you will not attend the entrance examination so candidates after filling the application process must collect CSIR UGC NET Admit Card and grab the exam date also.

CSIR UGC NET June Result 2020

Aspirants result detail will be updated soon on this page so applicants must participate in the application process and then attempt this examination.

CSIR UGC NET Application Form (Available Soon)

Aspirants can gather all the full fledge details regarding CSIR UGC NET 2020 June by checking this Official Web Link. We advised our dear visitors to stay connected with us by keeping an eye on the official website & also from this page of Totaljobshub.in web portal.