Dear examinees read these updates for Chennai Metro Water Result 2020 and check your status here. Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewage Board is about to upload CMWSSB Junior Assistant AE Account Officer Cut off for the recently held exams. The written examination conducted in 2020. Those attending their competitive exam must see these updates and read further details to gather the obtained cmwssb result.
Chennai Metro Water Result 2020
The web update generated the post-examination news for Junior Assistant, Assistant Engineer, Deputy Controller of Finance and Senior Accounts Officer vacancies. The recruitment is undergoing the state level selection, and there are thousands of aspirants contending for the 322 number of seats. After taking care of the state level examination, the authority is all set to deliver the latest and the upcoming news regarding the exams.
The Chennai Metro Water Supply & Sewerage Board declare the Chennai Metro Water AE JA Final Result. Candidates can obtain the CMWSSB Cut off Marks at or other detail now:
List of certificate verification-Phase IV to the post of AE (ELECTRICAL)
Shortlisted candidates for certificate verification-Phase III JUNIOR ASSISTANT
Certificates & documents to be furnished by the shortlisted candidates during the Certificate Verification TSGENCO Recruitment
CMWSSB Junior Assistant AE Result 2020
Now is the right time to test the exam-related updates and Download CMWSSB Junior Assistant AE Result 2020 The main update is that the written exam was held in two back to back days for the posts mentioned above which held in 2020.
The written examination was pen and paper-based for which a huge number of examinees came from several locations of the state. Now, they must check the cmwssb result details and avail the Results as per their applied job profile. Tamil Nadu Taluk Office Jobs
Declaration About: CMWSSB Result 2020 Controlling Body: Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewage Board Posts Available: Junior Assistant, Assistant Engineer, Deputy Controller of Finance, and Senior Accounts Officer. Total Number of Seats: 322 Selection Method: Written Exam and Interview Examination Centers: Chennai City Work Regions: Department within City Job Type: State Government (Permanent)
Important Dates:
- Review Date: 2020
- cmwssb result Status: Revealed Now Final Result
CMWSSB Junior Assistant Cut off 2020
The final selection of the aspirants made by the CMWSSB Junior Assistant AE Account Officer Cut off generated. For the information of the contestants, this cut-off depends on the number of questions attempted by them, the difficulty level of test, and the reservation quota. Those were having secured the marks above or equal to this cut-off shall be selected and will be called for the rest of the selection process.
The next selection mode will be the final interview which is also scheduled to take place in the state capital of Tamil Nadu. The authority shall provide all the relevant details regarding the selection process that is underway right now. All the further recruitment-related notices and information intimated to the applied candidates via the internet medium only. No individual sent a separate message or email.
Guidelines to Obtain Chennai Metro Water Result 2020
- Step 1: Firstly, visit the official gateway which is, “”
- Step 2: After landing on the homepage, look for the moving notification related to the JE, Junior Assistant exam.
- Step 3: Follow it and reach the candidates’ login page.
- Step 4: Type your Registration Number and Password.
- Step 5: Press the submit button and obtain the scores and cut-off.
- Step 6: Take a hard copy of this scorecard and keep it for future reference.
Chennai Metro Water AE JA Result 2020
Find the officially generated link to get CMWSSB Junior Assistant JE Result online. Check the much-needed updates using these time-saving guidelines and verified links. For the related news and notifications, keep visiting here and if you have any queries or suggestions to make, then leave your comments here.
Link to Note: Updated Marks Status here.