Calicut University Result 2020 BA, MA, B.Sc, B.Tech BBA Exam Results

Have you checked Calicut University Result 2020 yet? Do it now and do it here with the help of these campus exam updates mentioned in the article. The update generated here is for the current academic session for BA, MA, B.Sc, B.Tech BBA that are now announced on the internet portal. Check the details and follow a proper link to help you check the Calicut University Results 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year.

Calicut University Result 2020

This Campus is one of the most renowned universities in Kerala. With a strong number of students registered for both the regular and Distance education learning programs, the varsity offers higher-level education in different streams with the help of 250+ affiliated colleges statewide. Lakhs of students are currently enrolled with the campus and take admission to seek a higher level of education. SAIL Bhilai Recruitment


This is a compulsory task to go through the theory and practical examinations to cruise to the next academic year and session. To clear the exams successfully is one important thing to have in mind. In the month of April-May-June, the term-end exams were held and now the Calicut University UG PG Exam Results are being arranged on the main web portal. Also, Get Calicut University Time Table (For Other Courses Including Diploma)

Dear visitors recently Calicut University Results BCom, BBA, BHA, BTHM 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th semester Declared online at You can also verify the marks from here please check the URL Below:

VI Semester B.Arch Supplementary Examination, April 2018(04 Scheme)

I Semester M.A.Financial Economics (CCSS), I Semester M.Sc. Applied Plant Science, II Semester Master Of Tourism And Hospitality

I Semester M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering
I Semester Master Of Laws

Courses Offered By this Campus through Schooling

  1. M.Phil / Ph.D.
  2. Master Degree Courses.
  3. .Bachelor Degree Courses.
  4. PG Diploma / Diploma.
  5. Certificate Courses etc

Calicut University Result 2020 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th sem

According to the latest exam updates, the joint examination controller has started updating Calicut University UG PG Result 2020 online. The Varsity exams that were taken in April-May this year, are now finalized and the scores are being uploaded one by one on the main website. Students are advised to check their status for MA 1st and 2nd Semester, M.Sc (Physics and Geography) 1st and 2nd Semester, and M.Phil now. For the rest of the degree course, the update will be issued very shortly. Anganwadi Recruitment Updates

Announcement About: Calicut University Result 2020


Registered Colleges: 250+

Affiliation: State Level

Courses: BA, BSC. MSC, MA, B.Com, M.Com, BBA. MBA, BCA, MCA, B.Tech. M.Phil, and others.

Examination Cycle: November-December April May June

Marks Availability Detail: Announced For Various Courses

University of Calicut Result 2020

To check the Calicut University UG PG Result 2020, all you have to do is to visit the main authorized website and enter your enrolment number or the campus Roll Number. In the following details, a direct official link has been mentioned that needs to be followed accordingly. All the official and exam-related information are subject to be notified at the official website only. Thus, candidates are advised to check the same and for more updates, stay in touch with this web page.

This campus has established its centers in the Districts of Thrissur, and Vatakara in Kerala. The Centre of this department offers courses in Health Sciences and Costume and Fashion Designing alongside the Bachelor and Master Degree Courses. This campus also provides the education system right at the doorsteps via the Distance Education Programmes and e-learning. The department will not send the any University of Calicut Result, you can get it via online mode only.

Also Read: Calicut University Time Table 2020 UG/PG Sem Exam Date Sheet

Calicut University ba, bsc, bcom Result 2020

  • Check in at the main web address of the Varsity, “”
  • On the homepage, find the Students Section or Examination marks corner.
  • Follow a directed link mentioning the name of the course and get to the login page.
  • Here you need to enter your Roll Number and Select the Course Title.
  • Download and print your Calicut University Result semester wise, finally.

Calicut University MA, Msc, BA, Bsc, Btech Result 2020

Students need to check their Calicut University Result 2020 BA B.Sc B.Tech BBA Exam using the official link given down below. The final updated scores are available for the subjects like MA, M.Sc, and M.Phil while for the rest of the degree courses, the updates are yet to come.

Official Website: