AIIMS MBBS 2020 Application Form, Prospectus, Notification

Students can now fill the AIIMS MBBS 2020 Application Form that is available in the 3rd week of Feb 2020 at the official site. The entrance exam is to be held in May. Make sure to satisfy all the necessary criteria before filling the registration form and paying the application fee. The AIIMS MBBS 2020 entrance exam is to be held at the national level for the medical aspirants seeking admission to different Medical courses.

AIIMS MBBS 2020 Application Form

Like every year, All India Institute of Medical Sciences conducts the Entrance Exam. This test is to find the eligible candidates who seek admission in MBBS courses. Around lakhs of applicants submit their applications based on the required eligibility and certain other criteria. Further details related to the notification are well-addressed in the subsequent sections of this web post. Kindly review all the details before applying. Download AIIMS MBBS Admit Card


AIIMS MBBS Notification 2020

As per the newest updates, candidates who are interested in applying for the MBBS entrance exam need to respond to this news. The online application window is open soon. The prospectus can be availed from the officiating web portal of the Board along with other important details. To know more about AIIMS MBBS Registration 2020, Kindly go through the details structured down this page. AIIMS MBBS Result

Announcement About: AIIMS MBBS 2020 Admission

Authorizing Body: All India Institute of Medical Sciences


Name of Examination: MBBS Entrance Exam

Last date of Registration: 2020

Examination DateMay


AIIMS MBBS 2020 Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants can be from the Indian region as well as from Overseas (though students from foreign regions are not to appear in the entrance exam).
  • Students must have successfully completed their 12th Exams with % for General category and 50% for SC/ST with English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as their mainstream subjects either from CBSE or I.Sc board.
  • Students pursuing their final year exams can also appear for the test.

Age Limit:

All the candidates must have crossed the age of 17 years to be eligible.

Application Fee:

For applicants belonging to the General and OBC categories, the application fee is Rs. 1000/-, while for SC/ST candidates, it is Rs.800/-.

Selection Process:

  • Entrance Exam (CBT)
  • Counselling
  • Admission as per seats allotted

Examination Pattern:

The Test will be held in two successive sessions in May.


  • Morning Session: 09:00 am to 12:30 pm
  • Evening Session – 03:00 pm to 06:30 pm
  • It will be a Computer Based Test.
  • The test will be available in both English and Hindi Languages.
  • A total of 200 questions will be included in the test all of which will be given in Multiple Choice.
  • Subjects comprising the exam are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (60 questions for each subject).
  • Paper will be based on 10+2 level concepts.
  • General Knowledge will also be included with 20 questions.
  • Negative Marking: Yes (1/3rd mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer).

How to Fill AIIMS MBBS 2020 Online Form

  • Students need to visit the main web address given by the Authority which is, “”
  • Get the notification and read it carefully before starting the application.
  • Start filling the AIIMS MBBS Application Form as per your eligibility criteria.
  • Get the registration completed and confirm your application status.
  • Upload your images in the specified format.
  • Pay the registration fee and get a receipt printed.
  • In the end, get a printout of the application form.

AIIMS MBBS 2020 Important Dates

Events Date (Released)
AIIMS MBBS Application form start date Feb 2020
Closing date to submit the Online application form 3rd week of February 2020 (5:00 PM)
Status of Registration including rejection /deficiencies in application March ’20
Admit Card availability Date May ’20
Entrance Exam Date Last week of May ’20
Result announcement June ’20 (Expected)
First Counselling Procedure July ’20
Medical Examination of selected candidates for AIIMS, Delhi 2nd week of July ’20
Second Counselling Procedure August ’20
Third Counselling Procedure September ’20
Open Counselling (if required) September ’20

AIIMS MBBS 2020 Admit Card

Interested candidates can obtain the admit card via online only. The AIIMS 2020 admit card is going to be updated from May. We suggest all the Candidates keep the printout of the hall ticket for further need.

AIIMS MBBS Application Form

AIIMS MBBS 2020 Result, Cut off

The AIIMS 2020 Result available for all the students in June. Students can check their scorecard by using the online mode through the website. Here we also provide the Expected cut off. The cut-off score for different categories are:

Category Cut-off Score
General Category 50%
OBC (Non Creamy Layer) 45%
SC / ST 40%
OPH Cut-offs of the respective category

AIIMS MBBS Counselling Process

The first round of the Counselling will be started in July. For counselling procedure aspirants are required to report at the venue on the same date & time which was mentioned in the call letter with original documents.

Main Link:

Online Application Form+ Notification

Find the notification here and start applying now: