The last tenure of BJP government has raised a question in mind of every Indian, who is a better Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh or Narendra Modi. BJP supporters will recklessly answer that Narendra Modi is the best Prime Minister India has ever had. What they fail to realize that their beloved leader has ruined the economy of the nation and put it on the verge of economic crisis. The poorly planned schemes of demonetization and GST Havell has broken the backbone of small traders and industrialist making it hard for the economy to sustain. It is hard to digest that Narendra Modi managed to bring the GDP of the country from record high to record low level in just 2 years. Every claim and promise that was made by BJP while campaigning in 2014 elections have turned out nothing but a bunch of life that were used to manipulate the voters. Not a single declaration in 2014 election manifesto of BJP has been fulfilled in the last 5 years of their governance.
Who is a better Prime Minister of India
It is up to you to decide whether Manmohan Singh is best PM or Narendra Modi after having a detailed look of India’s socio-economic conditions in their tenure. Before coming to any conclusion, let’s take a look in the lives of both leaders. Manmohan Singh was born into a poor family in Gah village (now in Pakistan), a village with no electricity, no education, no hospital and even no piped drinking water. Singh walked for miles on daily basis for a period of 12 years to reach his school and studied in the poor light of kerosene lamps. Even after all these unfavorable conditions, he managed to emerge from a simple village boy to one of the most reputed economists of the world. Although the education qualifications do not matter for taking part in Indian politics as our history shows that a lot of prominent political leaders of India has nearly completed their school education.

On the other hand, Narendra Modi who used to run a tea stall joined RSS in young age. It was the mark of is beginning in the political career. With time, he managed to climb up on the ladder of corrupt politics and work his way to become the Chief Minister of Gujarat. His political abilities can be justified by the fact that he wasted 2000 crore of taxpayer money to hire APCO which is a US-based PR and lobbying firm. His trustworthiness can be reflected from the fact that he lied about his marriage to become a member of RSS. Failed to even complete his school education, Narendra Modi rebranded himself as a prominent leader who brings development wherever he goes. He fooled the entire nation by showing them the economic model of Gujarat where he is served as the CM. For those who still believe that the economic development of Gujarat was done by Narendra Modi are living a lie. Gujarat has remained as a prominent state for trade and business the beginning and Modi has no significant contributions in its welfare.
Modi VS Manmohan
If you are thinking that Manmohan Singh is best PM on the basis of above-mentioned facts only, you need to give yourself a break and look at the contributions of Narendra Modi towards the economy of India. But let’s talk about Manmohan Singh first. By the end of 1990 when PV Narasimha Rao was serving as the Prime Minister of the nation, India was on the verge of facing a serious economic crisis. The government was closing toward default and the central bank has refused to grant a new line of credit. The severity of the condition can be determined by the fact that India was left with only 3 weeks of finance to import goods. It was Manmohan Singh that rescued the nation from such difficult times with his economic strategies preventing the nation to fall on economic grounds.
Dr. Manmohan Singh’s sound economic planning was appreciated again when the entire world was facing a huge global financial crisis and the leading banks were going bankrupt. Indian economy stands strong during this tenure when the world powers fall down on their knees. No Indian bank was hurt as the result of this great depression in the economy. It is also a notable fact that the Indian economy becomes the fastest growing economy under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh.
Now let’s discuss the contributions of Narendra Modi in our economy. Severe major banks of India have faced huge losses due to financial frauds committed by businessmen with immunity from BJP. On 8 November 2016, Modi managed to single-handedly debunk the economy and lead the nation towards crisis because of his act of utter stupidity.
It is safe to say now that Manmohan Singh was best PM for the nation as tremendous growth in the economy, employment and development is marked from 2004 to 2013 when he served as the Prime Minister of the nation.
Now, In upcoming time Congress President Rahul Gandhi will be better than Narendra modi.