UPPSC Civil Judge Admit Card 2019 UP PCS J Mains Exam Hall Ticket

Get the Fresh data about UPPSC Civil Judge Admit Card 2019 Check Here UPPSC PCS (J) Admit Card 2019 UP Judicial Service Exam Admit Card 2019/ Hall Ticket/ Call Letter. UPPSC Civil Judge Mains exam Hall Ticket/ Call Letter 2019 UPPSC Civil Judge JD Exam Date

UPPSC Civil Judge Admit Card 2019

The Uttar Pradesh PSC  sets further details for doing the UP Judicial Service CJ Junior Division test. This test to be done in three stages such as Prelims, Mains and GD. For proper candidacy to participate in the test, UPPSC Civil Judge Admit Card 2019 is much-needed. Examinees need to get related information through this article and access a directed link provided in the later sections.


To fill several vacant seats in the judicial services, the State PSC will hold a State-level competitive examination for deserving contestants. Those registering and submitting their properly filled applications by 11-10-2018 shall be called for Mains Exam stage first. Later on, the qualifiers shall be called to compete in the remaining phases of the selection process. The authority issues UP PCS J Mains Exam Hall Ticket before the conduct of each stage of the selection phase. To access your Call Letter, please use the brief details presented here and check the examination pattern asserted in the following segments.

UPPSC Civil Judge Mains Exam Date 2019

Convened News UPPSC Judicial Service Exam Admit Card 2019
Regulatory Body Uttar Pradesh PSC
Posts to Fill CJ (Junior Division)
Seats in Number Under Consideration
Selection Stages Preliminary, Main, and Interview
Department Undertaking    Civil Courts in the State
Seats Distribution Area-wise
Date of Mains Test TBA
Hall Ticket Status 10 Days Prior to Exam

The conduct of this mains state test will be at the state-level only. Prior to the occurrence of an exam, each of the rightly shortlisted applicants shall receive UPPSC Civil Judge Admit Card 2019 online through a dedicated link added by Uttar Pradesh PSC. With due updates and notifications, an authority shall release an update to keep the contestants up to date. The information assembled hereby is with respect to the upcoming test which is done to take place at multiple locations across the State.

UPPSC Civil Judge Result & Cut off Marks


UP PCS J Mains Exam Hall Ticket 2019

Those having intrigued wait towards next update must remain calm and collect necessary information from every place possible. This page is dedicated to such hopefuls. So, without further ado, take a look at the following compiled in reference with the Mains Exam to take place. Reading forth, the aspirants should also adhere to the steps generated to access their respective UP PCS J Mains Exam Hall Ticket 2019.

uppsc civil judge admit card 2018

UPPSC Civil Judge Admit Card Mains 2019

हैलो प्यारे दोस्तों यहाँ हम आपको अच्छी खबर देते हैं यदि आप यूपीपीएससी सिविल जज प्रवेश पत्र 2019 की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं तो यहां आप अंततः एक बिंदु पर आते हैं। क्योंकि विभाग जल्द ही उत्तर प्रदेश सिविल न्यायाधीश पीसी जेडी प्रवेश पत्र 2019 जारी करेगा और आप इसे डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं केवल यहाँ से। प्रारंभिक परीक्षा कॉल पत्र डाउनलोड लिंक देखें और सही दिनांक और समय पर पेपर में शामिल हों।

UPPSC Civil Judge Junior Division Exam Pattern:

Judicial Service Civil Judge (Junior Division) paper comprises two Stages Pre and Mains.


Mains Stage:

  • Mains Stage shall have two Papers, Paper-I and II.
  • Paper-I will carry General Knowledge with reference to History, Geography, Current National Issues, Indian Polity, Social Relevance, International Affairs (Institutions and Development in Science & Technology), Communications and Space.
  • Duration of Paper-I is two hours and has 150 Maximum Marks.

Paper-II will be having questions inclined to Indian Legal activities and happenings, Acts and Laws.

Following Subjects shall be put in order for the Main exam which is as follows:

  • Jurisprudence
  • International Organisations
  • Current International Affairs
  • Indian Constitution
  • Transfer of Property Act
  • Indian Evidence Act
  • Indian Penal Code
  • Civil Procedure Code
  • Criminal Procedure Code
  • Law of Contract

Total Time period for Paper-II is 2 Hours and it will have 300 Marks at maximum.

UPPSC Civil Judge Admit Card 2019 uppsc.up.nic.in

Correct Location to access your tickets is, “uppsc.up.nic.in” and aspirants are instructed to get to the same timely. Refer to the highlighted link and visit it to log on to students Login Page using your credentials. Print your entry ticket and generate its hard copy for more use and exam day. Stay in touch with this page to get more info. Kindly, follow instructions as told and reach the administrating web portal of the UP Commission. Frequently visit this page as the link to Download UPPSC Civil Judge Admit Card shall be refreshed here. If you want to grab more updates on this topic, please use a comments box highlighted below.

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