Applicants for various posts need to get to the recent news about UP Mandi Parishad Admit Card 2020 generated here. In the light of filling several different posts in Uttar Pradesh Mandi Departments, there will be a written test and other stages to go through under special and direct recruitment. For the contestants willing to participate in UP Mandi Parishad Market Inspector Exam, this call letter update is a must to read.
UP Mandi Parishad Admit Card 2020
The Uttar Pradesh SSSC takes over for the ongoing jobs in State Agricultural Produce Markets Board. The heading state authority will conduct a competitive test and other selection measures for filling 284 vacated seats of Assistant Typist, Stenographer, Market Supervisor, Accounts Clerk, and other profiles. As the commission is preparing to conduct a selection test, candidates are curious to have their entry tickets in order to compete in the test actively. UP Roadways Bharti
UP Mandi Parishad Steno Admit Card 2020
- Alert Category: UP Mandi Parishad Admit Card 2020
- Controlling Body: Uttar Pradesh SSSC Lucknow
- Posts to Fill: Steno, Assistant Typist, Accounts Clerk, Market Supervisor and others
- Number of Seats: 284
- Job Category: Grade C
- Department of Working: Uttar Pradesh State Agricultural Produce Markets Board
- Selection System: Competitive Exam, Typing Test (For selective posts only), and Document Verification
- Examination Date: 2020(Tentative)
- Admit Card Status: 10 Days Before Paper
Visit the detailed part given along with notable instructions and mentionable links. UP Mandi Parishad Admit Card 2020 can be downloaded using the following information easily. The state level competition is expected to take place in January/February officially. Those having a wait to grab their call letters need to know about the following details and stay updated regularly. UPPCL Recruitment News
UP Mandi Parishad Admit Card 2020 Account Clerk
So, the selection process is both under special and direct recruitment for which the shortlisted contestants have to appear in the written test first and then a typing test (For Steno/Clerk/Typist Posts Only). This first phase of selection shall be organised at several locations across the state regions. To those applying for Market Inspector posts, UP Mandi Parishad Market Inspector Exam Call Letter will be issued the same day as others. Uttar Pradesh Lekhpal Bharti
Uttar Pradesh Mandi Parishad Exam Pattern:
- The written test will be an objective type exam having Multiple Choice Questions only.
- The paper shall be in English and Hindi languages.
- Subjects Covered are Mental Ability, General Intelligence, Numerical Ability, and Data Interpretation.
- There will be negative marking in the test; for every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks shall be deducted.
- For Junior Assistant, Steno, Typist, and Clerk Posts a typing test is mandatory to attempt after qualifying the written exam.
- Typing test shall be held for both Hindi and English.

UP Mandi Parishad Clerk Admit Card 2020
- Candidates are instructed to carry their original ID proof along with the entry ticket without which, they will be denied to enter the premises. UP Police Bharti
- Kindly, retain a copy of your printed ticket and note all the details like date and time, reporting time, and venue details carefully.
- Use of electronic devices or mobiles or smartphones is prohibited inside the premises or examination hall.
- Once entered the premises, the examinees shall not be allowed to leave the same without completing their exam within the given time.
- No extra time shall be given to finish the paper.
UP Mandi Parishad Market Inspector Admit Card 2020
Log on to the official web address of the commission given as, “” and head over to the admit card downloads section. Then find the posts category/Advertisement number to reach the login page. Print your hall ticket in multiple copies after providing your login info. For any future concerns, use another copy of your admit card.
उत्तर प्रदेश मंडी परिषद प्रवेश पत्र बाजार निरीक्षक, आशुलिपिक, क्लर्क
Admit Card Releasing Date | Confirmed soon |
Examination Date for all the vacancies | Soon updated |
Uttar Pradesh Mandi Parishad Admit Card | Download Here |
Put your focus on the steps given above and download your UP Mandi Parishad Admit Card easily. For more updates on this topic, stay in a frequented touch with this authenticated page. Have any queries or suggestions, then share it with the author of this page using the comments box.