Download TS TCC Hall Tickets 2020 for your Technical Certificate Course Examinations to be held in upcoming days. Directorate of Government test Telangana is all set to announce Telangana Technical Certificate Course Hall Ticket along with the TS TCC Hall Tickets 2020 Telangana Technical Certificate Course Exam in January 2020 and the shortlisted and eligible students. Kindly, read the article and fetch your entry passes along with some noteworthy details regarding this state-level exam.
TS TCC Hall Tickets 2020
The state-level examination is conducted twice a year by the Directorate of Government Examinations Telangana. All the relevant notices and news are dispatched from the Office of Director of Government Examinations Telangana, Hyderabad. There are several examinations and courses provided under the banner of DGE, where TCC (Technical Certificate Course) and TTC (Technical Teacher’s Certificate Course) are the popularity amongst the education Seekers. Check these details her in regard to the 42-days TCC course admission to which, will start soon in August for TTC EXAM.
TS TCC Hall Ticket Download 2020
This admits card update is generated with reference to a search made by candidates. Those looking to get TS TCC Hall Tickets 2020 online, should stay online and aware to grab the latest updates about their call letters. The application is most important to appear for the trade-wise test. All the applicants then, have to appear in the state-level entry test which is essential to clear. TS TCC Exam Results for January 2020 examination.
Notification About: BSE Telangana TCC Hall Tickets 2020
Regulating Body: Directorate of Government Examinations, Hyderabad, Telangana
Courses Offered: Technical Certificate Courses in Drawing & Tailoring
Course Duration: 42 Days
Minimum Qualification: SSC
Expected Attendees: 13 Lakhs+
Date and Timing: January 2020
Exam Sessions: Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions
tcc hall tickets Issuance Status: Announce
Telangana TCC Hall Ticket 2020
Before leaving for the test, make sure you check all the relevant information in Telangana Technical Certificate Course Exam Hall Ticket. Not only to gain access to the examination halls, but also to have significant details like exam venue, test shifts, and timings, this admit card is necessary to carry all the time. Applicants are advised to take along this card to the examination venue for their proper identification. TSPSC Group 2 Notification Pdf
After clearing the test, hopefuls will be selected for admission to various Certificate courses in Drawing (Lower/Higher Grade), Tailoring and Embroidery (Lower/Higher Grade). A good thing to point out here is that applicants with minimum education equivalent to class 7th are eligible to attend this exam after registering properly. Subjects are further elaborated as Drawing from Flat Example, Model Drawing, Memory Drawing, Painting from Nature, Geometrical Drawing, Decorative Lettering, Still Life Painting, Object Drawing, Free Hand Drawing, Pattern Design, Coloured Illustration from Memory, and others. Telangana Police Jobs
Tailoring and Embroidery Covers mostly taken subjects like Drafting and Cutting, Drafting and Garment making (Legs /Body), and embroidery. Those seeking Admission to Higher Grade Courses need to have cleared Lower Grade certificate courses essentially. The exams are held January and May-June Sessions (Regular and Supplementary) respectively. TSPSC AEO Recruitment Update applies online.
TS TCC Hall Tickets 2020 Download
Admit cards and details are available at “” and check for the latest exam-related link. Follow it to the login page and enter your Registration number and login Password or Date of Birth. Press the submit button and obtain a copy of your TS TCC Hall tickets. Keep a separate copy secure for future uses. GHMC Vacancy News
Telangana Technical Certificate Course Hall Ticket 2020
Those particulars who are teaching in the Government of schools can register their name for the Technical Certificate Course earlier in 2020 and the test will place as per the time table mention in the notice for Lower and Higher grades. To attend for the test candidates need the significant document TS TCC Admit Card which is yet to update on the main web portal of Hence please clarify all the doubts after reading the mention data. TSGENCO Notification Pdf
Also Read: TS TCC Results 2020 Telangana TCC Exam Result
BSE Telangana TCC Hall Tickets 2020
Find these guidelines helpful and move forward to follow the official link generated below. Visit the leading web address to refer to important information regarding your exam. If you have other concerns, then leave your questions in the comments box provided at the end of this page. APSPDCL Latest Jobs
Link to Focus: Download Here Telangana Technical Certificate Course Admit Card.