TANGEDCO Gangman Hall Ticket 2019 Gangman Trainee Physical Exam Date

Those applying for Gangman Trainee posts in from 22nd March to 22nd April 2019 must avail a copy of their TANGEDCO Gangman Hall Ticket 2019 online. TNEB is about to conduct a series of a selection test for the given vacancies. Initiating the jobs process by disclosing TANGEDCO Gangman Trainee Physical Exam Date, the competition begins in May tentatively. Read furthermore to grab the recent and latest news from here.

TANGEDCO Gangman Hall Ticket 2019

Tamil Nadu GEDCO advertised about 5000 jobs in the state dept under TNEB. This drive is undertaken by the State Government for filling up Gangman Trainee posts. All those who applied for these posts will have to undergo a series of tests that involve a Physical Efficiency Test, Document Verification, and a Written Test. The authoritative panel has decided to conduct a Physical exam in the first place following which, a list shortlist will be prepared for the qualifiers, but first, it is rather significant for the users to confirm TANGEDCO Gangman Trainee Physical Exam Date.


As we probably aware TANGEDCO Gangman Trainee Hall Ticket 2019 is an absolute necessity use report for the whole Contestant who is prepared for the recruitment if you won’t take this admit card into the examination corridor then you will not be able to give the test. Thus, Every candidate ought to obtain entry passes to display their test. Further details with the TNEB Gangman Admit Card 2019 with all the vital records are substantial at the season of the test.

TNEB Admit Card |   TNEB Latest Vacancy

TANGEDCO Gangman Admit Card 2019

Announcement Type TANGEDCO Gangman Hall Ticket 2019
Controlling Body TNEB
Positions to Fill Gangman Trainee
Number of Positions 5000
Selection Procedure Physical Exam, Certificate Verification, and Written Test
Date of Physical Test Announced Later
TANGEDCO Gangman Admit Card 10 Days prior to Test
Official Web Address www.tangedco.gov.in

As said above, the first test to go through is a physical fitness and efficiency test under which, each candidate has to climb a pole and perform the certain task assigned as per authoritative rules of selection. Moreover, this exam is qualifying in nature and those passing this test, shall be further called for document checking and later on, a written test. Collective information is going to be announced in TANGEDCO Gangman Hall Ticket 2019 respectively.


TSGENCO Notification BhartiTSGENCO Assistant Engineer Hall Ticket

TANGEDCO Gangman Trainee Physical Exam Date

The recruiting panel has yet to decide official dates for carrying out this competitive test and will be holding a state-level exam on the dates as specified later in the notice. The first Phase of selection consists of Pole Climbing, Arm Fixing, and other skill test given by the selection panelists. Based on how candidates perform in this exam, a list of qualifiers shall be prepared first and will further be put to the notification.

Kindly, refer to the entry ticket to confirm TANGEDCO Gangman Physical Exam Date, Timing of test, Reporting time, and other instructions that will be mandatory to follow. Contenders are also advised to keep their original identity proof along to feed the test premises and must produce the same to gain access to examination venues. Different venues will be organized for this competition and a huge number of examinees are going to participate in this test. If you are one of such hopefuls, do not miss out on the opportunity and be the first to download your e-admit card.

TANGEDCO Gangman Hall Ticket

TANGEDCO Gangman Hall Ticket 2019

  • Log on to the designated web address of the organization which is, “www.tangedco.gov.in” and head to the Events and Announcements section on the reached page.
  • Put your focus on the freshly published link related to the vacated seats
  • Follow it and get to the applicant’s login page to put your credentials.
  • Enter the details correctly and obtain a copy of your TNEB Gangman Hall Ticket 2019 after submitting details.
  • Print several copies of your admission ticket for later references and uses during the last minute or emergency.

TNEB Gangman Hall Ticket 2019 www.tangedco.gov.in

Hopefuls who have connected for this notice at least achieve the test venue one hour before the paper Time. Additionally, the competitor can lookout the data like Exam Venue, Time of the paper, Registration no under TNEB TANGEDCO Gangman Hall Ticket 2019.

Disclosure of more information will be done later upon official directives received from the official panel of recruitment. More of the news will be available online and one must be regularly in touch with this page to gather official and non-official news. For other news about jobs, results, admit cards, etc. keep checking here and in case of any suggestions or remarks about this article, use the comments box.

Download TNEB Hall Ticket from here