यहां हमने आरएसएमएसएसबी पटवारी प्रवेश पत्र 2020 के बारे में विस्तार प्रकाशित किया राजस्थान पटवारी परीक्षा हॉल टिकट डाउनलोड करें जो अब राजस्थान अधीनस्थ और मंत्री सेवा चयन बोर्ड की आधिकारिक साइट www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in पर उपलब्ध है।
Rajasthan State govt will hold the test for vacancies of Patwari/Lekhpal. The fascinated ones need to look out for this update to see if they are ready to attempt the test using the RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2020 given by Raj SMSSB, Ajmer. A written test shall be done against the vacated seats this year as advertised in the notification ready to fill the seats in the State regions. Bringing the recent news to the hopefuls. Latest LDC Jobs in Rajasthan
RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2020
The State government-owned body is known for issuing job-related notices and conducting state-wide exams online and offline. In a late advertisement produced by the authority, the state government issued a verdict proposing filling up the Lekhpal seats in the state’s urban and rural regions for the Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card 2020. This update brings all the noteworthy data to those who registered for Lekhpal posts and are willing to attempt the pen-and-paper test. RSMSSB Latest Jobs
Rajasthan Patwari Exam Date 2020
Briefing About | RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2020 |
Recruiting Organisation | Raj SMSSB, Ajmer |
Authority Undertaking | State Government |
Posts Declared Vacant | Patwari/Lekhpal |
Total No. of seats | 2500+ |
Selection Points | Pen Paper Exam and Interview |
Day of Examination | TBA |
Hall Ticket Availability | 8 Days Before Exam |
The mandatory details for the test point of view are subject to appear in the RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2020. Those curious about the test Date, Time of commencement of Paper, Venue of Exam, Centre Code, course code, instructor part, and other informational hand-outs must verify such in their respective Rajasthan Patwari call letter. RPSC Upcoming Vacancies
Raj Patwari Admit Card 2020 Pre-Exam
Besides carrying their Raj Patwari Admit Card to the examination centers, the contenders are instructed to bring their original identity proof issued by either the State or Central Government. Without this document, the candidates shall be denied entry into the premises. As per official recruitment rules, the first phase of the appointment will be this test, based on which the qualifiers shall be shortlisted for interview/document verification.
All these posts shall be filled within the state regions, for which a state-wide competition shall take place at the organized locations in the leading districts. The centres for this competition will be looking as per the number of applicants, who may be changed or shifted anytime at the sole discretion of the recruiting authority. Please note that it is imp for the users to keep seeking the leading and designated web address of the Board.
Also Read: RSMSSB Informatics Assistant Admit Card 2020 IA Exam Hall Ticket
Instructions for Rajasthan Patwari Hall Ticket:
- Kindly download your hall tickets and print a separate hard copy to bring one copy to the paper hall and one to keep safe for formal use later.
- Ensure your photograph, thumbprint, and signature on the tickets properly with other notifying details.
- Examinees need to attend the examination centers mentioned in the call letters.
- Using calculators, log tables, electronic/digital watches, smartphones, or other unauthorized material is prohibited in the hall.
Note: Get further informational hand-outs via the official link provided at the end.
RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2020 Download
Visit “www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in” and find the suitable section after landing at the dedicated address. Follow a link that is highlighted referring to Advt no and Job Title. Provide inputs as asked in the Applicant’s Login details correctly. Print a hard copy of your RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card and keep it another copy handy for the rest of the future formalities.
RSMSSB Patwari Call Letter 2020
Follow the remaining updates via the dedicated link mentioned below. Use the guidelines assorted above and visit the leading website dedicated to keeping you updated. Use the comments section to drop your suggestions or message to the administrators of this job alert.
Site to Check: Print your Call Letter from here