Be prepared to appear in the written exam for the post of Medical Officer. Download JRHMS Admit Card 2020 Jharkhand Medical Officer, Doctor here and check the exam details for the test. The Jharkhand Rural Health Mission Society is going to conduct a state level competition to accept the eligible candidates for the job profile of Medical Officer and Medical Officer AYUSH Mainstreaming. The examination is to be held in 2020 for which the JRHMS Medical Officer Admit Card 2020 will be uploaded within 14 days prior to the examination.
JRHMS Admit Card 2020
In an official recruitment notice, the recruiting body had invited eligible applications from the state locale to fill these vacancies. Many have applied for these officer level Jobs and are awaiting the recent hearing regarding the examination. To take on 741 combined seats, the examinees will be attending the test at the regional centers. Find more information related to the examination down the section.
JRHMS Medical Officer Admit Card 2020
This has been a point of curiosity among the applicants that what is going to be JRHMS MO Ayush-RBSK Doctor Admit Card for the coming examination. The same is to be notified about to the contenders well before the examination takes place. However, hall ticket will be released within the period of 14 days before the test gets held. Jharkhand Post Office Recruitment
- Update Type: JRHMS Admit Card 2020
- Recruiting Body: Jharkhand Rural Health Mission Society
- Name of Vacancy: Medical Officer, Medical Officer (Mainstream) AYUSH- Rashtriya Baal Suraksha Karyakaram
- Total Vacancies: lots of jobs
- Date of Test: 2020
- Hall Ticket Availability: 2020 Admit Card 2020
The recruitment is comprised of a written test and the personal interview that will be held statewide. To take on the opportunity, every registered applicant must attend the examination and have the Jharkhand Medical Officer Call Letter in time. To grab the Call Letter timely, it is essential for all the participants to stay in touch with the internet media as often as possible.

This recruitment is to be done at the state level only. There are several departments under the state authority where the applicants will be placed wherein. Decided to be taken at several different locations, the exam will be governed and taken care of by the department officials and invigilators. Out of the 741 seats, 618 seats are to be filled for the Medical Officer’s Posts while 123 are meant for Medical Officer of Mainstreaming of AYUSH. The entire recruitment is being undertaken on behalf of the Rashtriya Baal Suraksha Karyakaram RBKS. SBI Clerk Recruitment Updates
Steps to Download JRHMS Admit Card 2020
- It is the main part to visit the official web portal given by the Society which is, “”
- After landing on the homepage, find the quick links segment at the bottom corner.
- Follow the most relevant one and get to the candidate’s login page.
- Type your Registration Number and Password and or Date of Birth.
- Press the Submit Button and obtain the Hall Ticket.
- Generate a hard copy of the same for future use.
- Confirm your valid signature and passport-sized photograph on your document.
JRHMS Medical Officer Doctor Admit Card 2020
Applicants can also search their Hall Tickets separately typing hall ticket. Kindly, check for the important details available in the Hall Ticket which are Examination Date, Reporting Time, Exam Start Time and guidelines to follow. Read the above-mentioned instructions and follow the official link given hereunder. If users have any kind of disregard or query about the information being generated here, leave your comments in the text box below.
JRHMS MO Admit Card
JRHMS Medical Officer Admit Card
JRHMS Jharkhand Ayush RBSK Doctor Admit Card
Check here for the status of your Hall Ticket: