JKPSC Range Officer Admit Card 2020 J&K Forest RO Grade I Exam Date: Those who applied for Forest Rage Officer vacancies in the state departments of Jammu and Kashmir need to look down the page to access JKPSC Range officer Admit Card 2020. Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission has initiated the shortlisting process and will soon release an update regarding J&K Forest Range Officer Grade I Exam Date. The details are to be produced online only. Therefore, the contestants need to be aware of all the upcoming notifications about the job and related activities. Please read on to avail necessary information in the following segments.
JKPSC Range officer Admit Card 2020

In the recently gone days, the recruiting panel under J&K Public Service Commission had publicised an official advertisement about filling 44 vacant seats for the job role of Forest Range Officer in the state Forest departments. All the vacated seats are to be filled under the State jurisdiction with the sole involvement of State Government only. The applications were invited in April and the next step is to release JKPSC Range Officer Admit Card to continue on as the necessary part of the recruitment process.
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JKPSC Range Officer Exam Date 2020
Candidates are hereby informed that the recruitment and selection panel has started processing the online applications received at their end. Up next will be the declaration of exam dates and issuance of JKPSC Range officer Admit Card 2020 online. Please remember to visit an officially approved link to Download JKPSC Range Officer Grade I Call Letter and essential instructions displayed in the subsequent sections of this article.
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Announcement Regarding: JKPSC Range Officer Admit Card 2020 Recruiting Authority: Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission Jobs Available: Forest Range Officer Grade I Number of Vacancies: 44 Work Region: State of Jammu and Kashmir Selection Procedure: Written Test and Interview Date of Examination: May Last Week (Tentative) Hall Ticket Publication: 10 Days Prior to the Test
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JKPSC Range Officer Grade 1 Hall Ticket 2020
Kindly, note that all the significant details are to be highlighted on J&K Forest Range Officer Grade I Call Letter properly. Those searching for the ticket are also advised to go through the set of instructions that must be followed in order to gain an entry to the examination premises. Also, the entry ticket carries rather essential details like Exam Date, Details to the venue, reporting time, and basic things to do and don’t while the participants make their way to the exam hall.
JKPSC Forest Range Officer Exam Pattern
FRO Prelims Exam Pattern
Subject | Total Marks | Test Time | Paper Type |
General Studies | 120 | 120 Minutes | Offline (OMR Sheet) |
FRO Mains Exam Pattern
English | 100 | 3 Hours | Paper Type |
Essay | 100 | 3 Hours | |
GK | 200 | 180 Minutes | Offline (OMR Sheet) |
Optional Subject | 200 | 03 Hours |
Instructions for J&K FRO Exam 2020:
- Examinees are advised to carry a separate copy of their admit cards having a recent photograph and signature on the same.
- Be instructed to also carry an original Photo identity proof along with the hall ticket. Entrants are subject to verify the same at the entry gate of the premises/venue.
- Valid Id Proof: Driver’s License, Voter Card, PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, or Passport.
- Once entered the examination venue, examinees need to handover their items like mobile phones, smartphones, digital watches, or calculators to the authorised personnel.
- Latecomers are not going to be allowed to attend to their test, therefore, examinees are advised to reach the venue as instructed or at the reporting time.
- Aspirants are responsible to take of their valuables that said, the authority holds no responsibility for the loss or misplaced belonging.
Way to Obtain JKPSC Range officer Admit Card 2020
Visit the main web page of the commission which is, “jkpsc.nic.in” and refer to the “Latest News and Notifications segment on the homepage. Find a valid link and follow it to get to the login page. Type your Registration Number and Password or date of Birth. Hit the print button to generate its hard copy and print another copy of it to make its use in future.
Jammu kashmir FRO Grade I Admit Card 2020
Please read in details about J&K FRO Grade I Admit Card through a validated link mentioned hereunder. For more help stay tuned to this web page and bookmark it for further notifications. Use the comments section to have a word with the author of this page.