Aspirants can have their JKCET Admit Card 2019 online for the Common Entrance Test for BE and B.Tech admissions this year. The written test shall be an entry level type which is a gateway to gain admission to Graduate programmes in Engineering and Pharmacy. Those who have registered for this examination need to be informed that the competitive test shall be held on 21st April 2019 (Sunday).
JKCET Admit Card 2019
The responsibility of carrying out this state-level competitive test is taken by J&K BOPEE. As said earlier numerous students participate in the tests in order to gain a spot on the list of admissions. This year, the examination stage has been scheduled for 21st of April which is organised at various centres across the State regions. More on the topic is detailed in the following parts of this article. Please read on and find out more in segments stated along.
जम्मू और कश्मीर बोर्ड ऑफ प्रोफेशनल एंट्रेंस एग्जामिनेशन (JKBOPEE) जम्मू और कश्मीर के कई कॉलेजों में विभिन्न व्यावसायिक पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश के लिए आम प्रवेश परीक्षा आयोजित करने के लिए तैयार है, केवल वे उम्मीदवार जो एमडी / एमएस / पीजी डिप्लोमा में प्रवेश लेना चाहते हैं / एमडीएस और यूजी पीजी विविध मेडिकल पाठ्यक्रम इस परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं और पेपर में भाग ले सकते हैं, लेकिन इससे पहले आपको इस पृष्ठ पर जेकेसीईटी हॉल टिकट 2019 को यहां से डाउनलोड करना होगा।
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Download JKBOPEE JKCET Hall Ticket 2019
- Circulated News: JKBOPEE JKCET Admit Card 2019 Download
- Conducting Body: J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations
- Details of Exam: Jammu and Kashmir Common Entrance Test
- Courses Offered: Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Technology
- Colleges Participating: All Colleges in J & K (Government and Private)
- Date of Conduct of Exam: 21-04-2019 (Sunday)
- JKCET Admit Card 2019 Download Link: 1st week of April
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This is to be noted duly by the attendees that JKCET Admit Card 2019 Download link will active at least 15 days before the test. This paper organized in the morning session for which details about timing are provided here. The entry ticket will be a crucial document to download for all the competitors and will be a key identification document for the contestants.
JKBOPEE JKCET Admit Card 2019
This contest will be organised at multiple locations in one day and will be of 3 hours in duration. However, the reporting time is 09:55 am after which, attendance will be taken and question booklet will be distributed to the examinees. The examination shall begin from 10:30 am till 01:30 pm. For all the instructions, students are advised to refer to their respective Hall Tickets which also contains information to the venue address and carry a valid and original ID proof along with the hall ticket.

Jammu and Kashmir CET Exam Details:
- This test shall be having 180 que in a total divided into three sections with 60 questions for each.
- The test is MCQ and all the questions are compulsory to attend.
- One mark will be for correctly answered questions while 0.25 marks will be a penalty for each wrongly answered questions.
- The paper pattern will be based on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics of Senior Secondary level.
For the competitors willing to get their Offline Admit Cards, must reach the official address of BOPEE as stated below.
- Address 1: Bhagat-i-Barzullah, Opposite J& K Bank, Srinagar-190005
- Address 2: 4th Floor, South Block, bahu Plaza, Jammu-180012
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- Step I: Visit the Board’s officiating web gateway which in this case, is “”.
- Step II: Reach the JKCET Link revealed on the landed page and follow it.
- Step III: Put your accurate details as login info in the fields provided in the login form.
- Step IV: Enter your name, Father’s Name, DOB and Verification Code after choosing paper Type & add the same.
- Step V: Obtain a copy of your Jammu and Kashmir CET Admit Card and print it in multiples for later use.
- Step VI: This is to instruct the examinees that they must retain a copy of their colored admit card compulsorily as per advised by the Regulatory Board.
To get a better reach, use the instructional points mentioned above and get to the official link up next. For more updates and news on the competition, stay tuned to this academic news page and keep visiting here regularly. Share your views and opinions about this updated article using the comments box updated underneath.