The Indian Institute of Foreign Trades will move one step more for the exam process. It will be releasing the IIFT Admit Card 2021 for those applicants who have participates in the process of IIFT 2021 Application form and now search this document on the internet. So aspirants this Hall ticket now released online.
For collecting this student have to enter their name and application number and The Indian Institute of Foreign Trades is sending the hall ticket of appearing candidates by post as well if applicants will not receive this by post then the applicant must collect the IIFT MBA IB Entrance Exam Admit Card through the official site.
IIFT Admit Card 2021
In this examination, all eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written examination, group discussion, and personal interview. Candidates who have ready to appear in this written examination then he/she will need their hall ticket. Because a call letter is necessary to bring at the examination hall, without entry passes the candidate will not be allowed to write the examination. So applicants wait for the month of November and then collect this hall ticket.
Looking For Cut off and Result- Visit Here
Latest Updates: Good News for all the candidates The Indian Institute of Foreign Trades released the IIFT Entrance Exam Admit Card online NOW and the entrance test is going to be held on 2nd December 2018.
Important Dates:
Exam Name | Indian Institute of Foreign Trades |
Availability of the Admit Card on the official website of IIFT | Announced Now |
Test is going to be held on | soon revealed |
IIFT Entrance Exam Admit Card 2021
IIFT 2021 Admit card brings crucial information such as candidates’ names, examination date/time/venue, roll number etc. all detail of this entry will be playing the important role in the examination and for getting the permission of appearing this exam. So aspirants don’t miss this and collect after the announcing. Some helping steps will mention below for your convenience. SSC Jobs for 10th 12th Graduate
IIFT MBA IB Admission Admit Card 2021
IIFT invited online applications from all fascinated and eligible aspirants for the admissions into MBA course. A large of aspirants who are looking for further studies applied online and after their graduation, they registered for the same entrance exam. Aspirants who had earlier applied can easily obtain the IIFT 2021 MBA IB Admission Course admit card from the direct link which is well described above. Without hall, ticket candidate is not allowed to write anything in the exam.
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) Exam Pattern
Dear Candidates the most important thing in the exam is paper pattern so believe us and get the information from here for the course of MBA (IB) examination:
- The question paper will be set on the basis of Objective Type or Multiple choices of Questions.
- Students need to attempt the entire given questions in 2 hours only.
- The question paper will consist for the English Language.
Subjects Name |
Data Interpretation and Quantitative Analysis |
Vocabulary and Comprehension |
Current Affairs and General Knowledge |
Logical Reasoning |
English Grammar |
IIFT Admit Card 2021 Download
- The candidates need to visit the official website of the department settled at the end..
- Search the accessible link which is suitable for your query.
- Once you get the link, click on this link.
- Here you have to enter your name and application numbers on the giving form.
- After entering all the required details now click on submit button.
- Once you submit it, you will get your IIFT Admit Card visible on the screen.
- You can either download it.
- Takedown the print out for further reference.
IIFT MBA 2021 Exam Centres
Here in this below table, we provide the details information about the examination centers. For the easiness, you can catch the information about the examination centers Please look into it:
Centres | Centres |
Ahmedabad | Jaipur |
Allahabad | Jamshedpur |
Bangalore | Kochi |
Chandigarh | Kolkata |
Coimbatore | Lucknow |
Dehradun | Mumbai |
Delhi | Nagpur |
Guwahati | Vishakhapatnam |
Hyderabad | Bhubeneshwar |
Indore |
The Next Level of a selection procedure which is GD, Writing skills Assessment and Interview will be held in these cities:
1). Ahmedabad, 2). Bangalore, 3). Chennai, 4) Delhi, 5) Hyderabad, 6). Kolkata, 7). Lucknow, 8). Mumbai