The Indian Forest Service Preliminary Exam has successfully been scheduled to be conducted June 02, 2019. The main examination is to be held by UPSC on 1st Dec 2019. So, those who have the interest in participating in this test must be connected with us to download IFS Admit Card 2019 for a successful appearance for the examination. Candidates, searching for their UPSC Indian Forest Service Prelims Exam Hall Ticket can also check this page out and grab detailed info from here. There will two exams be organised Indian Forest Service Prelims and Indian Forest Service pre Exam. Thus, do not be late in downloading your IFS Hall Ticket and for that reason, you need to maintain your presence on this page.
IFS Admit Card 2019
A recruitment advertisement by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) was notified to all job-seekers for the application procedure of this examination called as IFS (Indian Forest Service) Examination. This exam, as mentioned earlier, is conducted in two phases: Preliminary and Main Exam. The motive behind the conduction of this written test is to hire suitable applicants for the post of Officer in Indian Forest Service.
IFS Syllabus pdf | UPSC IFS Notification
UPSC IFS Admit Card 2019 Download
If you have not applied yet for this program or are not aware of the eligibility criteria and other crucial details, we suggest you go through the link as mentioned above to be sure. To appear for this exam, you need to get UPSC Indian Forest Service Admit Card 2019 from the web address of the official site (please check the bottom). Total 6 (VI) papers are organized regarding this (check the link above for more details regarding exam pattern). The last date to apply for this year and the date of the release of Hall Ticket will be revealed in next to no time. So, as soon as the UPSC Indian Forest Service Prelims Hall Ticket 2019 is released, start downloading the same so that no one can stop you from appearing for Prelims and Main one.
Indian Forest Service Study Materials/Books
UPSC IFS Prelims Hall Ticket 2019
Released of Admit Card: Will be available shortly
Prelims Exam: 2nd June 2019
Mains Date: 1st Dec 2019
Hall Ticket Updated soon revealed
Only the person who brings his or her Call Letters during the commencement of these tests will be given entry to take part in the examination. This UPSC IFS Admit Card 2019 contains very crucial details or info which candidates must know before the test begins. This might include the Registration Number, Roll Number, Date of Birth, etc. All of these details are given during the submission of forms.
UPSC Indian Forest Services Exam Pattern
The second stage of the written test consists of the following papers. The paper 1 is of General English which consists of 300 marks. Whereas Paper 2 would be of General Knowledge and carry a total of 300 marks. In the end Paper 3 to Paper 6 which consists of two subjects which were selected from the list of optional subjects that is of 200 marks. The prelims test will be held in the following Centres: Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi, Dispur (Guwahati), Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Nagpur, Port Blair and Shimla.
Paper | Subject | Marks |
Paper I | General English | 300 |
Paper II | General Knowledge | 300 |
Paper III | Optional Subject 1 | 200 |
Paper IV | Optional Subject 1 | 200 |
Paper V | Optional Subject 2 | 200 |
Paper VI | Optional Subject 2 | 200 |
IFS Pre Exam Admit Card 2019
Candidates are having a great enthusiasm for getting to know the UPSC IFS Exam Date and the released of the Call Letter. If you really want to know the declaration of your own UPSC IFS Hall Ticket, then you surely will. But, to do so, you need to continue logging onto this website which keeps updating the job-seekers with the latest updates, no matter it is about recruitment, notification, call letter, results, merit list, syllabus and others.
Download IFS Admit Card 2019
- Go to the main site of commission as described below.
- On the homepage, you will see the news section where you have to click on the suitable link.
- Then, you need to enter the login page and provide all asked data.
- After that, submit that data and wait.
- Finally, download your respective call letters.
To get more updates regarding IFS Admit Card 2019, comment via the comment box as given below and also you can bookmark this page for other updates.
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Get your Entry Cards here: From Here