IDBI Bank SO Admit Card 2019 DGM, AGM, Manager Call Letter

Here is the latest IDBI Bank SO Admit Card 2019 news for applied candidates. The Hall Ticket for the IDBI Bank DGM AGM Manager Exam is to be available now. The online exam is to be held in 2019. It is hence, quite important to have an eye on this web portal for the exam day is nearing and time to time updates are being available only on the internet media.

IDBI Bank SO Admit Card 2019

In the recent past days, there was an official notice circulated by Industrial Development Bank of India. The advertisement was regarding filling up the 111 vacancies for different posts in the departments. Posts were mainly for Deputy General Manager (DGM) Grade-D, Asst. General Manager Grade-C, and Manager Grade-B. The application procedure to apply for these Bank Jobs was totally online. Now here are some Hall Ticket updates for the applied ones.


Latest Updates: IDBI Bank recently issued Online Exam Call Letter for Specialist Officer. We aware all the candidates please obtain the online admit card through the direct link given at the below section.

Also Check, IDBI Bank SO Recruitment

IDBI Specialist Officer Admit Card 2019

Since the examination date has been disclosed already for the aspirants, they must be more focused on their preparations by now. Though, it is equally important to keep checking the status of their IDBI Call Letter 2019. The examination is set to take place in 2019. Further declaration regarding the exam or the examination centers, will be disclosed through the IDBI Bank SO Admit Card 2019 only.

  • Update Type: IDBI Bank SO Admit Card 2019
  • Organization Name: Industrial Development Bank of India
  • Name of Posts: Specialist Officer, DGM, AGM (Manager Grade B, C, D Post)
  • Total Posts: varied
  • Job Location: India
  • Examination Date: 2019
  • Call Letter StatusObtain Now from the Below Link

IDBI Bank DGM AGM Manager Call Letter 2019

There are some instructions and guidelines that participants need to take care of. The same can also be checked at the back of the IDBI Bank DGM AGM Manager Call Letter 2019. To get a detailed overview of the scenario, applicants are hereby advised to go through these points as well. The test will be taken online at the national level. This selection process includes the direct interview for some posts, while for the other categories, applicants need to qualify both the test and the interview to take up the job.

IDBI Bank Assistant General Managers Grade-C Exam Pattern

The test is of Objective Type of MCQs.

Sr. No. Subjects Total No. of Qs Maximum Marks Time Duration
1. Reasoning 25 25 2:00 Hours
2. English Language 25 25
3. Quantitative Aptitude 25 25
4. Banking, Present Economic Scenario & General Awareness 50 50
5. Stream/category Specific Questions 50 75
Total 175 200

After selection, the appointed candidates will be assigned the posts in Taxation, Agricultural Faculty, Risks, Finance and Accounts section, Treasury, IT, MIS, and Raj Bhasha departments. After successful completion of assessment and selection formality, the selected ones will be offered a handsome salary package including the allowances.


How to IDBI Bank SO Admit Card 2019

  • First of all, candidates must visit the official web address,””.
  • Locate the career section on the homepage.
  • Find and follow a link to get to the candidate’s login page.
  • Enter your Registration Id and password.
  • Press the submit button and download your call letter.
  • Take a hard copy of your call letter and note the address and time to report clearly.
  • Keep a copy of this entry ticket safe for the future.

IDBI DGM AGM Manager Admit Card 2019

आईडीबीआई बैंक के सहायक महाप्रबंधक, उप महाप्रबंधक और प्रबंधक के 111 पदों में भरती जारी कि हैं। उम्मीदवार 2019 ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं और ऑनलाइन परीक्षा 2019 को आयोजित कि जाऐगी| यहाँ आप इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से पंजीकरण या आवेदन नंबर का उपयोग करके आईडीबीआई बैंक सहायक महाप्रबंधक हॉल टिकट प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

If you want to gain some more information about the IDBI Bank AGM Manager Admit Card 2019 Call letter then you may visit the official website.

Main links to Follow:

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