ECL Clerk Admit Card 2019 Eastern Coalfields Limited, by which a notification for the recruitment of Clerk Grade III Vacancies was published in the recent times, is being ready to declare the release of Clerk Grade 3 Exam Date. Immense numbers of job-hunters had fulfilled the application procedure and now what they have to satisfy is the appearance in the exam and to do so, the ECL Clerk Grade III Exam Date 2019 is requisite which is supposed to be repealed by the Eastern Coalfields Limited.
ECL Clerk Admit Card 2019
Let us have a look at the significant and brief data to know more about ECL Clerk Grade III Hall Ticket 2019. Check the same as follows:
Total number of Vacancies: varied
Examination Date: Will be provided shortly
Hall Ticket Declaration: Not released yet
Eastern Coalfields Limited Clerk Admit Card 2019
A lot of candidates, after application submission, are curious to know the declaration of their respective ECL Clerk Admit Card or Hall Tickets. They already know that the company invited them and also others for clerk grade iii recruitment according to which there are lots of posts. Basically, the ECL Clerk Grade 3 Admit Card or any other entry card is revealed before 15-20 days of the examination date via the online. Meaning, the candidates have to download the Clerk grade 3 hall tickets using its official site ‘’.
Eastern Coalfields Limited Recruitment
ECL Clerk Grade III Exam Call Letter 2019
The one and only candidate participating in the exam will be that one who has got the grade 3 call letter at the time of exam commencement. This crucial piece of paper containing crucial data is not only checked when the test starts, but also while the candidates enter the test venue. Therefore, it is requested that applicants should take their Call Letters with them on test day.
ECL Clerk Exam Pattern:
- The base of the test will be Multiple Choice Question (i.e. Objective type)
- The test will be separated into 5 sections
- The total marks for the test conduction will be 60
- The question in this exam will be asked fromGeneral Awareness, Arithmetic Ability, Computer Knowledge, English Knowledge, Knowledge of Company and NCWA.
Get Eastern Coalfields Limited ECL Clerk Admit Card 2019
The main motive of our Team i.e. Total Jobs Hub to provide these simple steps is to make the applied or downloading people at ease so that they without trouble can download the call letters.
- Visit the official website of the organisation which can access by typing ‘’.
- There, they see a section for Hall Ticket releases.
- Click on the suitable link given under that section.
- Then, enter the asked data and then submit that.
- After submission, download your Clerk Call Letter and save it.

ECL Clerk Exam Date 2019
Note: while entering data, make sure you type all of it correctly in order to avoid downloading failure. Also, carry your respective ECL Clerk Admit Card 2019 along with you on the day of the exam after download.
By visiting our website, you can be up-to-date for admit card, results, merit list, answer keys, etc. If you also want to do so, please Bookmark this page for which you just have to press Ctrl+D from your keyboard.