DDA Admit Card 2020 dda.org.in Junior Engineer Patwari AAO Exam Date: Candidates looking for DDA Admit Card 2020 need these updates to download the Hall Ticket online. Delhi Development Authority is about to conduct the written test for the posts of Junior Engineer, Patwari, Assistant Section Officer, AAO, and others. The authority will upload DDA JE Patwari AAO Admit Card 2020 for grades A and B posts shortly.
DDA Admit Card 2020
In last year’s recruitment updates, the Delhi Development Authority invited eligible applicants from different knowledge domains. The vacancies were varied in total for the posts of Assistant Accounts Officer, Patwari, Assistant Selection Officer, Deputy Director (Public Relations), Deputy Director (Planning), Assistant Director (Planning), Assistant Director (Ministerial), Legal Assistant, Assistant section officer (ASO), Sectional Officer (Horticulture), Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer (Elect./Mech.), Junior Hindi Translator, Stenographer and other grade C posts.
The Delhi Development Authority Now Announced the Notice Regarding The JE (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical) Examination Date. The DDA Admit card Will Be Available soon. DTC Conductor Jobs
About thousands of aspirants had applied for these posts as per the applicable rules and guidelines. Since the recruitment has been delayed by quite a long period, the examinations were held on various dates in 2020. The latest News is that the Department has released the Admit Card for Its various Positions. Check the dates for the Examination for the Junior Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical) posts, which will be mentioned separately. CTU Chandigarh Driver Recruitment
DDA Junior Engineer Admit Card 2020
Kindly review these revisited updates, as the DDA Admit Card 2020 will be issued very soon for the written test in September. The selection phase will be carried out in Tier I and Tier 2. The Delhi Development Authority has revised the DDA Junior Engineer Exam Date for this. Look for further details for more informative points to be considered important for this selection process. Check Here- BSNL Recruitment News
- Declaration Regarding: DDA Admit Card 2020
- Recruiting Body: Delhi Development Authority
- Selection Phase: Written Exam and Interview
- Examination Centers: Within Delhi
- Work Location: Delhi

Exam Details: Delhi Development Authority will organize the Online Written exam, Computer proficiency or Skill test CBT, and Personal Interview. Hence, all the candidates who secure the minimum passing marks in the CBT will be qualified and attend the personal interview at the specific venue on a pre-arranged date. The Written Exam time duration will be 02 hours only. The total number of questions asked will be 120, and marks will be given as 120. Multiple-choice or Objective type questions will be asked.
- Negative Marking: 0.33 % (0.66% for total)
- Weightage of Written Exam: 85%
- Weightage of Personal Interview: 15%
- Mode of Paper: English/ Hindi
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DDA JE Admit Card 2020 www.dda.org.in
To get a call letter timely, all the examinees need to follow the guidelines and instructions as they are stated. This entry ticket will be treated as proof of the candidate’s genuine eligibility to appear in the written exam, and applicants will be given access to enter the examination premises on behalf of DDA Junior Engineer Hall Ticket 2020. DSSSB Teacher Recruitment
The primary details that need to be acknowledged by the examinees are the Exam Date, Venue details, reporting time, and Examination time. Keep the entry passes safe because this document will also be used later for Phase Two of the selection. Phase two of the selection process is also known as the mains and will be conducted for the aspirants who qualify for tier-1 of the exams. Delhi Education Board Recruitment
Way to Download DDA Admit Card 2020
- Enter the official web address in the Google Address bar given by the authority.
- Look for the career-related notice and follow it to the login page.
- Type your Registration Number and Password or Date of Birth to press the submit button.
- Wait to generate the Hall Ticket and print the entry ticket for future reference.
DDA Junior Engineer Patwari AAO Exam Call Letter 2020
Find the guidelines helpful and follow them to reach the main link to access your DDA Junior Engineer Patwari AAO Call Letter 2020 online. The Candidates may leave their remarks or suggestions if they have any disregard or concern regarding this web update. For further communication, kindly refer to the comments segment below.
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