CG Vyapam Lecturer Admit Card 2019 UAD Chhattisgarh Lecturer Exam

Get ready to Download CG Vyapam Lecturer Admit Card 209 online here. The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board is going to conduct the written test for various posts of Lecturer in 2019. For the appearing candidates, the board will issue Exam Hall Tickets about 7 days before the examination. Here are some more important details about the examination and the rest of the selection process along with Chhattisgarh Lecturer Hall Ticket.

CG Vyapam Lecturer Admit Card 2019

Chhattisgarh Vyavsayik Pareeksha Mandal also abbreviated as CG VYAPAM is alternatively known as Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board. This organization is known for regulating and authorizing recruitment on behalf of the state government. In the previous days, the authority had issued two separate notifications for the posts of Lecturer in the state Panchayat (2997 vacancies) Departments and Chhattisgarh Urban Administration and Development Department (1131 posts). Finding the jobs opportunity, many have applied for these state level jobs and are preparing to get Chhattisgarh Lecturer Admit Card 2019.


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Download CG Vyapam Lecturer Admit Card 2019

Now, these updates are important for all the candidates applying for the aforesaid posts because the Board has already specified the exam dates in the official notification. The CG Vyapam Lecturer Admit Card will be available online before the papers start. According to the official news, the exam is to be conducted 2019 across the state.

BSNL Recruitment News

  • News Regarding: CG Vyapam Lecturer Admit Card 2019
  • Recruiting Authority: Chhattisgarh Vyavsayik Pareeksha Mandal / Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board
  • Post Name: Lecturer Panchayat and District
  • Department of Placement: Chhattisgarh Urban Administration & Development Department
  • Total Vacancies: 1131 Urban districts and 2997 posts for Rural Panchayat
  • Selection Mode: Written Exam and an Interview
  • Work Location: State Urban and Rural Departments (UAD)
  • Examination Date: 2019
  • Hall Ticket Status: 7 days Before Exam (Tentative)
cg vyapam lecturer admit card

CGVyapam Lecturer Hall Ticket 2019 Details

All the exam entrants are advised to Download CGVYAPAM Lecturer Hall Ticket well before the exam because the document is important to carry while entering the examination hall as well as during the test. The invigilators will ask the contestants to produce the ticket during the exam along with a valid photo Id proof in original. Hence, the instructions are to be kept in mind all the time.

The selection process involves a written test based on the designation and will be carrying questions of the Professional domain and state history and geography. The test will be of 2 hours in duration. 

CGVYAPAM Lecturer Exam Pattern


I: Total questions asked in the paper will be 100.

II: Each question in this written test is of 1 mark.

III: Candidates will get 2 Hours to complete this test.

IV: The written test for the suitable positions will be an Objective Type and question will come as MCQ Type.

V: Negative Marking is Applicable, if you give any wrong answer, ¼ marks will be deducted from the correct ones.

Instructions for Examinees UAD Chhattisgarh Exam

  • Get the proper information mentioned on the Admit Card such as the Date and venue and reporting time.
  • Kindly, carry a valid id proof along with the Hal Ticket.
  • Candidates are not permitted to bring any unwanted or unauthorized matter inside the examination hall.
  • Use of mobiles and another form of electronic devices is strictly not allowed inside the premises.

How to Get CGVyapam Lecturer Admit Card 2019

Step 1: Those registered with the Board must log on to the main web portal which is, “”

Step 2: Visit the authenticated link highlighted with the job title and follow it to reach the login page.

Step 3: Type your login information like Registration Number and Date of Birth or Password.

Step 4: Press the submit button and obtain a copy of your CG Lecturers Admit Card.

Step 5: Finally, generate a double copy of your Hal Ticket and retain a copy for the future use.

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UAD Chattisgarh Admit Card 2019

To download The Urban Administration and Development Department, Chhattisgarh Lecturer UAD Admit Card, we advised visiting the official links given down below. Job hunters are also instructed to note all the informative details described in the Call Letter. For more concerns and queries, refer to the comments box given down below.

Link to Note:

Get the Details About UAD CG Lecturers Admit Card Here

Visit this official Web Link for further reference: