Bihar Police Steno ASI Admit Card 2019 Steno Asst Sub Inspector Exam

Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission will conduct a written test and Skill test for Stenographer vacancies. Appliers can download Bihar Police Steno ASI Admit Card 2019 from an authenticated link provided in this news article. The concerned candidates are advised to know all the relevant details along with the key pointers that are significant from the examination’s point of view for Advt. No.

Bihar Police Steno ASI Admit Card 2019

Recently, the State Police Services Commission of Bihar had advertised about vacant seats of Stenographer Assistant Sub Inspector. Those who fit right for the posts have already applied for the jobs and are waiting to hear about Bihar Police Steno Assistant Sub Inspector Exam Date and other notable dates according to the event. Kindly, adhere to the update and proceed accordingly to receive your Bihar Police Steno ASI Admit Card 2019 Stenographer Assistant Sub Inspector Exam Date online.


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Bihar Police Steno Assistant Sub Inspector Admit Card 2019

Details Regarding: Bihar Police Steno ASI Admit Card 2019 Recruiting Authority: Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission, Patna Vacant Jobs: Stenographer Assistant Sub Inspector Seats Available: varied Selection System: Written Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Skill Test, and Medical Exam Date of Examination: July (Tentative) Admit Card Status: Highlighted Soon

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BPSSC Steno ASI Admit Card 2019

All the selection-related information shall be intimated to the candidates via Bihar Police Steno ASI Admit Card 2019 in the coming days. The examination pattern is also given along with the instructions to keep the contestants updated and at ease. Here are the details that participants need to note as the whole. The admission card also contains information like date and time to report for the test, venue information, instructions, and valid photo/signature of the contestants.

Bihar Police Upcoming Jobs

Preliminary Exam Pattern:

  • The written test shall be held in two parts, Part-I and II where Part-I is having MCQs/ Objective Type paper and will be of 200 marks in total.
  • Part-II carries Descriptive type questions and will be based on essay writing mainly. This section consists of 25 marks separately.
  • The subjects included for Paper-I are Hindi/English Language, General Awareness, Numerical Ability, Clerical Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning.
S.No. Paper Type Subjects Included Total Marks
1. Part- I (Objective Type) Hindi/ English Language 50
2. General Intelligence 50
3. Numerical Aptitude 50
4. Clerical Aptitude 50
5. Part-II (Descriptive Type) Essay & Letter Writing 25
Total 225

Bihar Police Steno ASI Call Letter 2019

  • Please Download Bihar Police Steno ASI Call Letter from an authorized link only.
  • Retain its separate copy for future use and verify your photo and signature on it.
  • Kindly, carry an original Id proof along with the entry card and show it to the examiners at the entrance of the premises.
  • Valid ID Documents: (Passport, Aadhaar Card, Driving License, PAN Card, Bank Passbook, or Voter Card).
  • Use of electronic media such as Mobiles/Smartphones/, Electronic Watches, Digital Watches, Calculators, and unauthorized stationery items is prohibited.
  • Use of unfair means is prohibited.
  • Examinees are not allowed to leave the examination in between or unless instructed by the invigilator.
  • Participants are advised to return the OMR answer sheets to the examiners once the exam is over.

Bihar Police Steno ASI Physical Eligibility

Male Gen / OBC / EBC Male SC / ST Female all category
Height 165 cm 160 cm 160 cm (48 KG)
Chest 81 – 86 cm 79 – 84 cm
Running 1 mile in 6 minutes 1 mile in 6 minutes 1 km in 6 minutes
High jump 4 ft 4 ft 3 ft
Long jump 12 ft 12 ft 9 ft
Gola fenk 16 pounds, 16 ft 16 pound, 16 ft 12 pound, 10 ft

Download Bihar Police Steno ASI Admit Card 2019

Log on to the leading web address of the commission which is highlighted as, “” and find an updated link on the homepage. Follow the link mentioning ASI posts and reach the login page for registered candidates where you need to put your Registration Number, Password, or Date of Birth, etc. Push the submit button and obtain your call letter. Generate its hard copy and keep one secure for future references.

Bihar Steno ASI Physical Exam Date 2019

Please note the instructions and proceed along to check BPSSC Steno Assistant Sub Inspector Exam Date and download the call letter. For further details, visit here regularly and refer to the official link provided hereunder. Leave your message in the comments box if you have other queries or complaints regarding this information.bihar police steno asi admit card

BPSSC Steno ASI Admit Card 2019 directly from Moreover, the entry ticket Ticket is also released at Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission official web page which is