AOC Tradesman Mate Admit Card 2019 LDC Exam

The AOC Tradesman Mate Admit Card Download, Army Ordnance Corps Pune Tradesman Mate Admit Card 2019 AOC PUNE Tradesman Trade Test Hall Ticket 2019 Army Ordnance Corps Written Exam Admit Card 2019 LDC Army Ordnance Corps Exam Date 2019, HQ Southern Pune Tradesman Mate Hall Ticket LDC Admit Card.

The Headquarters Southern Command Army ordnance Corps issues AOC Tradesman Mate Admit Card 2019 in a few days. Desirous participants need to look forth and avail their respective hall tickets as the necessary measures have been put to order to carry out the selection phases for multitudes of vacated positions. Get details to LDC Exam Date and come to know about the vital and noteworthy information.


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AOC Tradesman Mate Admit Card 2019

In the recent intimation about 818 positions made to the residents of the country, the Department under Ministry of Defence invited eligible and sound fit hopefuls for the available posts. Propagated for several different Group C positions, these seats are to be done for Pulgaon, Secunderabad, and Chennai. All the administrative process shall be held at the organisational headquarters by the order of whom, this National-level selection stages shall kick off. It is mandatory for all the shortlisted contestants to take part in the PET paper, Skill Test & Written paper as qualification rules are arranged under strict guidelines. Those waiting on to receive furthermore on the tentative schedule of upcoming exams need to adhere to this detail generated online.

AOC Tradesman Mate Hall Ticket 2019

Concerning The Topic LDC Admit Card 2019
Regulatory Body Army Ordnance Corps, Ministry of Defence, Government of India
Positions to Acquire Tradesman Mate, LDC, MTS, Cook, Messenger, Washerman, Fitter, Female, Searcher, Tailor, Fireman, and others
Total Number of Seats 818
Working Regions Southern India (Chennai, Secunderabad, and Wardha)
Selection System Physical Efficiency Test, Written Exam, and Skill/Trade Test
Date of Event Intimated shortly
Hall Ticket Link Activated below

Dedicated to participating in the competition, the users must avail a copy of their AOC Tradesman Mate Admit Card 2019 timely. Since the system of recruitment is undertaken by the intervention of Central govt the necessary rules of selection apply as per the regulatory body in accordance with MOD. Further notice of update shall be floated online through a designated web media.

Army Ordnance Corps LDC Admit Card 2019

Use the following patch of information that will be helpful for the examinees. Examination Pattern and notable instructions are disclosed in the sections as per applied post. It is also to be noted by the contenders that Physical Efficiency/Endurance Test is scheduled prior to being done for the paper and will be having separate qualifying criteria for male and female applicants.

AOC Tradesman Mate Admit Card

AOC PUNE Recruitment Exam Date

Suitable Events Important Dates
AOC PUNE Applications Starting Date Dec
HQ Southern Command PUNE Online registration Last date December
AOC Pune Tradesman Mate Admit Card Available Date Not Confirmed
Southern Command Pune Tradesman Mate Exam Date Available Soon

The dept will ready to reveal the Tradesman Mate & LDC Hall Ticket for the suitable position exam by using their official web section. Feel free and discuss every single trouble you are facing while downloading the admit card and giving this test because here we present for you the latest update regarding the scheduled date and call letter.

  • Trade/Skill Test is to be held later wherein the post-wise skills will be assessed based on the nature of the work.
  • Final Merit is to be arranged as per the overall basics of an applied one in the paper.

AOC Tradesman Mate LDC Exam Pattern

  • The offline test is based on General Awareness, English Language, Numerical Aptitude, and General Intelligence (Reasoning and problem solving).
  • This exam is available in Hindi and English versions.
  • The Paper shall be MCQ in nature.
  • There will be 150 questions asked in this test all of which are compulsory to attempt.
  • Two hours are allotted to the examinees whereas, for PWD applicants, 20 additional minutes shall be allowed.
  • There is an absence of Negative Marking.

AOC Tradesman Mate Admit Card 2019 Download

Look for an updated link in the Latest Information /What’s New Section on the homepage of reached web address “”. Follow it to get to the login page where you are required to put your login credentials in a prescribed format. Print your entry ticket for the competition and keep a copy of it secure for the future usage. LDC Admit Card 2019

Seeking more information and update on this topic then stay in touch with us regularly. Take help from the instructions stated above and grab all the essential details you seek. Follow an authorised link that has been convened ion the following part of this page. For further comments and view on this news alerts about PUNE AOC Tradesman Mate Admit Card 2019, drop your message to the author of this article.

Print your e-Hall Ticket from here