Millions of fans have loved and admired this very popular Spanish actress from Mexico. She played many roles in many movies and helped produce many movies in her lifetime. After a very long career as an actress, she became interested in a political career and has also been very successful in that. However, we are very interested in knowing what she did before becoming a successful actress and why she started an acting career.
Let’s look at this woman’s successful life and what she did to improve other people’s lives. If you are interested in what this woman has done over the years, click ‘Next’ and see for yourself.

First Role in Television
In 1964, at 25, she debuted as a television star in the soap opera Casa de Vecindad. After that, she played in many television series, comedies, and reality shows. She was an actress for most of her life and played in television roles as recently as 2018. The face of this actress is well-known to her fans, as she appeared on television in more than 30 different shows.
Before Television
Carmen was born in 1939 in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. She attended only primary school and left after that. In 1956, at the age of 17, she married Pedro Placencia, and their marriage lasted until his death. She and Pedro had three children together: Pedro, Maria, and Jorge. It was while she was a mother and wife that she got her first role as a television actress.
Film Debut
Carmen made her first film debut in 1967 in La Vida Inutil de Pito Perez, a film based on a 1939 novel. This was after she had already been quite famous for her roles in various television series for three years. Fortunately for her millions of fans, that was not the last movie she played in. After that first movie, she appeared in more than 110 movies; her latest film appearance was as recently as 2019 in Ruta Madre.
A Versatile Actress
Carmen Salinas is very popular and well-known in the film industry and the television world. She was also quite an accomplished theater actress, and she played in quite a large variety of plays on the stage. With so much experience in such a wide genre of movies, she left a lot for new generations to learn from. She could be cast in many roles and take the new character as her own.
One Of The First
Carmen is known to be one of the first Mexican actresses to become famous not just in Mexico but around the world. One of her many talents is imitating other famous performers, a talent she rarely shows on screen. This talented actress played many roles of working-class people and portrayed many everyday characters. Carmen also played her share of drunks and prostitutes and was famous for playing real-life characters and many other difficult roles.
Also a Producer
While she continues to act, she also produced quite a number of television series, as well as top movies. She did all of this while she was still a mother and wife (until her husband’s passing). She is also one of the producers of the theatrical version of the Aventurera. This is quite a long piece and the production has been running for quite a long time.
An Award Winner
Also added to this lifelong entertainer’s list of accomplishments are several awards she received. The first award she ever won was for the role of Felegonia in the telenovela Maria Mercedes. This award was given to her for the best co-star actress, which was well deserved due to her strong character interpretation. This was just the beginning of all the awards.
Other Awards
Carmen Salinas also received special lifetime achievement awards and other best co-star awards. She can also add to the list an award for 50 years as an actress and a special award for an artistic career. This does not include the many nominations she received for other achievements in the acting world. These awards make her quite a decorated international star.
Famous People She Shared the Screen With
This actress is famous in her own right and shared the screen with many other well-known performers throughout her career. One of these is the famous Denzel Washington, with whom she acted in the movie Man on Fire. She also played alongside a long list of famous Mexican actors through the years.
How Much Is She Worth?
This actress from Mexico is worth more than 20 million dollars and is currently 80 years old. This fortune was accumulated throughout her long acting career in soap operas, television shows, and movies. After a long life of acting in many movies and television productions, she deserves wealth in her old age. After all, she entertained more than 400 million Spanish-speaking and English-speaking people for many years.
How Long Can She Go On?
At the very advanced age of 80, this actress is still very active and has only recently played in movies. She played in a movie in 2019 in the role of Dona Ceci. This was in Ruta Madre, where she played a part in a popular and hilarious movie. At the pace she is going, it does not look like she will soon be retiring.
She Is Not a Stranger To Loss
After many years of marriage, her husband died and left her alone with three children. Her husband, Pedro Salinas, died from cancer in April of 1994. They were together for 38 years. This did not hold her back from becoming one of the most awarded Mexican actresses ever, though. She also lost her eldest son to cancer, as well as her daughter Maria.
The Composer Husband
Her husband, Pedro, was a well-known composer of many notable works in his lifetime. He composed for the Televisa’s newscasts and some soccer clubs, such as the Nexa soccer club. He also composed for Hora 24 and their coverage of the 1992 Winter Olympics, as well as for many other professionals.
Carmen Salinas, the Politician
In an interview in 2015, Carmen Salinas declared that she had been a priista ever since she could remember. During the 2015 fourth electoral region election, Salinas won a seat in the chamber of deputies. There, she focused on gender equality, health commissions, radio, and television. Since she only completed primary school, she has the lowest educational level of all the deputies in the legislation.
A Personal Best
Her lack of school education did not stop her from becoming a politician to serve her country the best way she could. This is quite an accomplishment for anybody in the political arena, where academic accomplishments are important. These political accomplishments are also just an addition to everything she managed to do in her long and fruitful life. Most of all, she is an entertainer and an outspoken person for what she believes in and is right.
Her Comment On Covid-19 Pandemic
When asked about the COVID-19 pandemic, she said that this outbreak punishes people because they are eating dogs. True to herself, she did not hesitate to say what she thought about the worldwide pandemic. She was saying that people are not supposed to eat their dog companion or any dog. This is something many of her fans agreed with.
That Is How She Is
This Mexican actress is not afraid to say what she thinks, and this comment on Covid-19 is but one of her many statements. This controversial opinion raised many eyebrows in the world, but she stated that it is a serious matter and a horrible disease. This is also a good thing if you want to follow a political career and make a stand. Most of her fans support whatever she has to say.
Many Wanted Her Out Of Office
There was an incident in which she may have been pictured sleeping during a session of Congress, and, of course, it was published. Her comment on Periscope was that she may have taken a nap and couldn’t care less about it. Because of that, as well as her lack of answers on what laws she would pass, a petition was signed to get her removed from office. This petition was signed by no less than 100,000 people in only six days.
She Will Not Stay Silent
Carmen Salinas could not stay silent any longer and spoke out against those who do not believe in the Covid-19 virus. She also asked how they could not believe in the virus if it is already such a serious problem worldwide. She recently criticized unbelievers who still believe it is a government thing on her Twitter account. Look at the following website to see what she said about those people and the names she called them.
The Asians Are Not Happy With Her
After she commented that the COVID-19 pandemic happened because humans are being punished for eating dogs, many people were unhappy with her. They demanded she apologize for what she said about Chinese people eating dogs. She claimed to have seen the misfortune of many dear friends regarding the outcome of the coronavirus, which has killed so many people. She also refused to apologize and retract what she said about the punishment for humans.
She Also Made a Joke About the Virus
This joke was about old age and the coronavirus, but some did not see it as a joke and commented likewise. She commented on what the World Health Organization said about the virus and the vulnerability of old age people. Many people saw it in a humorous light and commented that we need more humor in this world. Maybe it was just her way of coping with a difficult situation.
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What Sign Is She?
She was born on the 5th of October, which makes her a Libra. It is also no wonder she pressed on through her life despite the setbacks she may have faced. She came out on top and has many milestones to reflect on and be proud of.
Silver Goddess Awards
She received three Silver Goddess Awards from the Mexican Cinema Journalists. To make it even better, she also won three Premios ACE awards to complete her award collection. These are all achievements of a lifetime of entertaining the world as an above-average actress. Plus, she gave back by serving the community.
It Will Soon Be Her Birthday
Carmen Salinas will turn 81 on the 5th of October, 2020, and she can celebrate more than 50 years of acting. That is quite an impressive feat that very few others have accomplished.