VBSPU Result 2019 BA B.Sc BBA B.Com 1st 2nd 3rd Year Results

VBSPU Result 2019 BA B.Sc BBA B.Com 1st 2nd 3rd Year Results: Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University is now ready to announce VBSPU Result 2019 taking help of its Official Website and facilitate the many applied and appeared students. In the upcoming days, this university will release VBS Purvanchal University BA B.Sc BBA B.Com Results 2019 For the 1st 3rd 5th Odd semester so that those who appeared for the examination held previously, could easily check whether they have scored well or not.

By going through this post, candidates will come to know when the declaration of their Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Result will be made. So, read the complete article carefully.


VBSPU Result 2019

The Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University is all set to publish the marks for both private and regular students. The announcement will before many UG (Under Graduate) and PG (Post-graduate) courses that candidates have completed, such as B.P.E, BA, M.Sc., B.Sc., Bed,B.Com, MA, M.Com, Bachelor in Library and Information Science for the year 1st, 2nd and 3rd or odd semester. As per current details, the scores released now. Please look out the VBSPU Admit Card UG PG

Dear Candidates you can check your VBSPU BA / BCOM / BSC 1st 2nd 3rd year result 2019 Exam Odd Sem Now from this web page. Scores updated for the varied digit of Courses. BDS (Re-Evaluation) , M.D. & M.S., B.Sc. Nursing (Odd Semester) VBS Purvanchal University Time Table


B.A.M.S. I
B.U.M.S. I
B.A. – 1
B.A. – 2nd
B.A. – Final Year
B.Com. – I
B.Com. – II
B.Com. – Final Year
B.Sc. – I
B.Sc. – II Year
B.Sc. – Final
B.Sc. (Ag) – I Year
B.Sc. (Ag) – II
B.Sc. (Ag) – III Year
B.Sc. (Ag) – Final


M.Com. – First Year
M.Com. – Final
MA. – First
MA. – Final Year
M.Sc. – I
M.Sc. – II Year

VBSPU Odd Semester Result

Faculty of Management Studies
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Applied Social Science
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Education

Jaunpur University Result 2019 BA, Bsc, B.com

Also, for some other Post Graduate programs like MA, M.com, MBA, M.sc MCA, etc. will release by Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University. The date of the announcement of the scores has not been published yet on the official site, but it will soon be declared as the authority is working on it at present.

So, download your Jaunpur University VBSPU Result BA B.Sc BBA B.Com 1st 2nd 3rd Year or Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Result from the official web portal and check the positions.


VBS Purvanchal University Result 2019 Odd Semester

Name of Authority: Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University

Official Site: www.vbspuonline.in

Status of vbspu result 2019: Available for Varied Subjects

This university has been holding many examinations for several courses that it offers. These courses have previously been mentioned in the paragraph above. We have given some straightforward steps for the procedure of downloading. Using these steps as mentioned below, you will make yourself comfortable while downloading the scores.

Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Result 2019 1st, 3rd, 5th sem

Some students have recently appeared in their UG (Under Graduate) and PG (Post-graduate) programs and now they all are headed to download the scorecards for these exams. So, what are you searching now, just start downloading the marks and check your marks given in it? The authority might also release Merit List, Cut Off marks if they are coming under the requirement of the organization. Get to know your VBSPU UG PG Results from the Official Link as shown beneath.VBSPU Result

Download VBSPU Result 2019 BA, Bsc, B.com

  • Initially, check the web address of the official site, which is “www.vbspuonline.in”.
  • After that, you have to click on the suitable link.
  • Provide all asked details and submit the same.
  • Wait for a couple of seconds and finally, get your respective scorecards.

vbspu.ac.in result 2019 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year

The Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University was recently done the Even and Odd Practical and theory exam via Semester wise and annually in the Month Of November and March April. So we have Requested to all the candidates please Keep Visiting the Official Web portal for latest updates regarding marks. More any other related data about VBSPU Result 2019, candidates can check the kink as furnished to the lower side. For more updates like this, stay connected with us!

Links To Follow 

Download VBS Jaunpur University Result from here

Official Website: www.vbspu.ac.in