Dear students, get UP ITI Date Sheet 2020 here as planned by Uttar Pradesh Industrial Training Institute here. Every year the study plan is given to the students who take admission into different trades as per VPPUP. You can check all the dates and months that are important for your studies’ point of view. The NCVT examinations are going to be held in upcoming days. Please read more details in the following part of this page carefully about iti exam date up.
UP ITI Date Sheet 2020
Candidates, who got admission into ITI courses, can get their Uttar Pradesh ITI Exam Time Table 2020 from VPPUP official website. VPPUP is also famously known as Vyavsayik Pariksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh. All the institutes that are affiliated with National Council for Vocational Training, will be conducting the examinations for 1st and 2nd years. Here on this page students can get their Exam Schedule and year to year Paper Date Sheet.
उत्तर प्रदेश आईटीआई के छात्र (एनसीवीटी / एससीवीटी) प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम की डेट शीट इस खंड पर जल्द ही रिलीज की जाएगी | सभी छात्रों को जुलाई परीक्षा के लिए आईआईटी के दो या चार साल के डिप्लोमा पाठ्यक्रम की समय डेट शीट डाउनलोड Now। Also, Check UP ITI Admission Merit List (Available Online Now)
Fresh news about downloading the UP ITI Semester Date sheet 2020 is that you can easily obtain this scheme in a while by using some of the easiest instruction settled above on this page through this you can gather December UP ITI time table 2020 pdf. UP ITI Results Updates (Revealed for all Semester)
Good News for all the candidates UP ITI Odd and Even Semester Exam Date Sheet 2020 has been published here. For the current year, Students will have to give Odd and Even Semester Paper. Dear Candidates please download the Uttar Pradesh ITI Exam Date sheet for 1st 2nd 3rd Year examination now from this web portal. Get the updated news by subscribing us or bookmark this webpage. UP ITI Cut off, Merit List
UP ITI Time Table 2020
As the received updates, the totaljobshub team has brought you the latest updates regarding the Time Table. The 1st and 2nd-year Paper will be started soon. Students are advised to note the days and dates accordingly. All the necessary dates related to the trades have been listed in the following table. Read the UP ITI Date Sheet 2020 carefully and start preparing for your test. Opportunity in Railways for ITI (Online form Apply)
- Updates Regarding: UP ITI Date Sheet 2020
- Test Conducting Authority: Vyavsayik Pariksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh
- Courses Offered: NCVT SCVT Certification
- Examination Start Date: 2020
- iti exam date up Status: Available Here to Download
UP ITI Exam Schedule 2020 Semester Wise
There are many technical trades that are offered in ITI. Students, this year, will be participating for the first and second year of their studies. Every year a large number of candidates apply for their ITI programmes based on their interested fields. The Vyavsayik Parishad has updated the UP ITI Exam Time Table 2020. This timetable can also be checked here as we have mentioned the full list here for your help. Uttar Pradesh Nal Koop Mistri Jobs
VPPUP Exam Scheme 2020
Papers Name | Nature | Examination month |
All India Professional exam (NCVT) | Yearly | July-August |
All India Professional Supplementary Examination (NCVT) | Yearly | January / February |
Shishikshu exam | Each half | April / May, October / November |
COE core exams | Yearly | August |
COE BBT Supplementary Examination | Yearly | February / March |
Businesses receive non-Affiliation (SCVT) main examination. | Yearly | September / October |
Businesses receive non-Affiliation (SCVT) supplementary examination. | Yearly | May-June |
State Skills Competition | Yearly | October-November |
All India Skill Competition | Yearly | December-January |
Tests evaluate individual candidates | Yearly | November-December |
Llkrajy level Test | ||
Hindi / English Typing | Six months | April / May, October / November |
Car-truck driver | Each quarter | January / February, April / May, July / August |
Download UP ITI Date Sheet 2020 SCVT NCVT
- Vyasvsayik Pariksha Parishad Uttar Pradesh has provided the official internet site i.e. “”
- Follow the UP ITI Date sheet link and specifications.
- All the examination-related links will be available here. Get the one showing the time table.
- Visit it and get the pdf file for your related trade such as fitter, electrical, or refrigeration etc.
- Take a print out if necessary and start studying for your papers.
Also Read: UP ITI Result 2020 VPPUP NCVT, SCVT, Semester Results Name Wise
UP ITI Exam Scheme 2020
The dept himself is the expert to give you all the UP ITI Exam Scheme 2020 There are heaps of vital information that all users should think about the Final papers. You don’t have such a great amount of time for the planning. This is the period when you concentrate on the paper & Gather all points of interest and begin by preparing yourself as per iti date sheet ncvt.

In the event please choose to download UP ITI Date sheet 2020 then you can catch up some of the simple guides as we have said above on this page to snatch UP ITI time table 2020 pdf and after that, you can visit the suitable location to give papers.
Important Link Lookout Here UP ITI Time Table here.