Dear aspirants, read the details here and check the status of TSSPDCL Hall Ticket 2020 now. Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited has announced the related dates and timings for the written test. This competitive examination is to be held in 2020 for various posts of Assistant Engineer and Junior Accounts Officer. The authority shall issue TSSPDCL Junior Accounts Officer AE Admit Card 2020 Announced Now. Kindly, reach the downward sections of this page to access further updates.
TSSPDCL Hall Ticket 2020
Telangana State Southern Power Company of Telangana Limited, Government of Telangana had issued an official notification about filling 267 vacant seats of Assistant Engineer and Junior Accounts Officer in the state departments.
Thousands of interested job seekers are lined up to attend the recruitment examination for these jobs and the authority shall govern this selection process at the state level on the decided dates and days along with TSSPDCL Admit Card. Also Check: TSGENCO AE JE Notification
Confirm News: TSSPDCL JAO AE Hall Ticket 2020 released now online at For 25th March Exam. Please obtain the call letter by using the link settled just after this Paragraph. More TSSPDCL Notification Pdf
TSSPDCL JAO Admit Card 2020
Find these updates useful and proceed to download TSSPDCL Hall Ticket 2020 online. Southern Power Distribution Company Of Telangana Limited is going to carry out the state-level written test in 2020. All the shortlisted aspirants must stay in touch with this page to receive every exam-related notification.
The tsspdcl hall ticket download shall be uploaded in 2020. Kindly, check the details contained in the following segments that are also related to the examination. Recruitment Update: TSPSC AEO Recruitment
TSSPDCL AE Hal Ticket 2020
Details Regarding: TSSPDCL Junior Accounts Officer Admit Card 2020
Recruiting Authority: Southern Power Distribution Company Of Telangana Limited, Government of Telangana
Posts Available: Junior Accounts Officer and Assistant Engineer
Seats in Total: varied
Selection Method: Written Test and Interview
Written Test Date: 2020
tsspdcl hall ticket Issuance: Published Now
TSSPDCL AE Admit Card Download 2020
Please refer to the TSSPDCL Assistant Engineer Hall Ticket respectively to note your examination details viz. Venue information, Examination timing and time to report for the test. In the next section of this update, please see the examination pattern and guidelines to follow before leaving for the competition. This competitive test will be held at several locations across the state regions and at various authorized venues. Latest News: Andhra Bank Recruitment
Assistant Engineer, JAO Exam Pattern:
- This Examination is of Objective Type in nature.
- A total of 100 marks are asked in the question papers.
- Each of the questions carries 1 mark.
- The time duration is 02 hours in total. No additional time will be allotted.
- The Test is divided into two sections Part-A (80 questions) and Part-B (20 questions).
- This test is bilingual (English and Telugu).
TSSPDCL JAO AE Exam Instructions:
- These instructions are to be noted by all the participants before they go to appear for the examination.
- Please download the TSSSPDCL Hall Tickets timely according to the schedule and verify your Photo and signature on it.
- Carry an original ID along with the admission pass which can be either a Passport, Voter Card, PAN Card, or Aadhaar Card.
- Latecomers are not allowed to enter, hence every contestant must reach the venue at least 30 minutes before the examination.
- The use of mobiles, smartphones, electronic or digital watches, calculators etc. is banned inside the premises and examination halls.
- Examinees are not allowed to leave the examination hall during the examination proceedings and are to hand the OMR answer sheet to the invigilator once the exam ends.

TSSPDCL Hall Ticket Download 2020 Online
- Visit the official web portal of the organization which is, “”
- After landing on the homepage, please check the links highlighted on the page.
- Follow the one related to the upcoming examination and get to the login page.
- Type your Registration Number and Date of Birth or Login Password.
- Press the submit button and avail a copy of your ticket.
- Keep its hard copy secure and safe. hall tickets 2020
Please visit the official link and proceed further to Download TSSPDCL Hall Ticket 2020 from here. An authorized link has been provided here and candidates must check the same to fetch necessary updates. If you have any queries or words of suggestions the leave your message in the comments box.
According to the detail, the Telangana Government SPDCL officials released the TSSPDCL Hall tickets 2020 released now and the link has been activated to download TSSPDCL JAO Admit Card we will also enable the same link. Dear users, all the best for the candidates for TSSPDCL Junior Accounts Officer & Assistant Engineer Exam.
tsspdcl hall ticket download from Here