Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result 2019 Merit List

This update has been generated in response to a Computer Based Test held for Nursing Officer vacancies on 28th February 2019. Those who competed in the test are now advised to receive this news about the Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result 2019. The officiating panel, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College shall issue Merit List 2019 as the recruitment process has been put on hold for a while. The latest in this regard shall be brought to the reader’s notice soon after the evaluation is done.

Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result 2019

In order to fill this recruitment phase for 991 vacated seats for the role of Nursing Officer, Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC initiated a selection test in Feb this past year. This competition began with the conduct of a CBT held and organised at several locations on the same days. What concerns the contestants the most is whether or not they are qualified to participate in the next phases of the selection process. Next thing they need to know is that results are awaited and have been postponed.


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VMMC Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result 2019

  • Detail Type: Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result 2019
  • Recruiting Body: Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC
  • Positions to Undertake: Nursing Officer
  • Number of Vacancies: 991
  • A procedure of Selection: Aptitude Test and Interview
  • Departments to Hold: Medical/Nursing Stations
  • Date of Competition: 28-02-2019
  • VMMC Safdarjung Nursing Officer Results Status: TBA (Postponed)

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Being a part of this competition, many had attended this exam to carry on with government jobs. Concerned about checking on Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result 2019 update and news, participants have been awfully and vigorously in wait to know what is going on at the end of the recruitment panel. Here are some highlights and summarised points about such.

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VMMC SJH Nursing Officer Merit List 2019

The results status of disclosure is still under consideration and shall be concluded shortly. As per received news and updates, the authoritative panel will issue a notice to inform the candidates. Conditions are still unclear yet and will be furthered upon next decisive statements released by the official panel. However, as of now, the commissioning body has updated an informative message about canceling this process for the time being. Later on, the Safdarjung Nursing Officer Merit List shall be published via a dedicated web media of the organisation.

VMMC Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result

VMMC Nursing Officers CBT Cut off Marks

  • This competitive test comprised of 150 marks and with each question holding 1 mark each.
  • The total time duration of this exam was of 120 minutes that is 2 hours.
  • Where one positive mark is to be awarded to the examinees for a correct answer, there is 1/4th of marks to be deducted for an incorrect reply.
  • Based on the evaluation system and marking scheme, final Safdarjung Nursing Officer Cut Off shall be generated online.

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Note: To avail the status of their test & obtain this Merit List in pdf file format, readers and examinees are required to fetch relative details from the designated portal of Controller and update conveners that are the Institute.

Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result 2019

  • Step 1: Log on to authorising portal of Institute, which is, “” and visit the latest news and career section afterward.
  • Step 2: Refer to a functional link displayed in the section lately.
  • Step 3: Follow it and download the uploaded merit list in a pdf file format.
  • Step 4: Check through each enlisted name and use your Reference Number, Name, Ticket Number, and other mentioned details to know your results status.
  • Step 5: Get it printed to use in the future days as validated proof.

VMMC Safdarjung Nursing Officer Result 2019

VMMC Nursing Officer Result 2019 for Feb examination has been out as on March 2019 at on authority web-based interface page named as The cut off & merit List had been released with respect to discharging of VMMC Safdarganj Nursing Officer Result.

Get the best and latest news alert here with reference to the conducted exam. Stay in touch with this web page and regularly updated with the stages that are being carried out at the administrative end. For ease of use, bookmark this page and stay connected regularly. To share your thoughts with the author of this page, use comments box provided here.

Confirmation Link: VMMC Nursing Officer Results Status here