RPSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019 Exam Date/ Hall Ticket

It is really good news since a pronouncement for the publication of RPSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019 has been completed by the decision of Rajasthan Public Service Commission [RPSC]. Those, who had submitted their names for Rajasthan PSC College Lecturer Exam, are ready to get the authorized links to get RPSC College Lecturer Exam Date 2019 along with Hall Ticket because it is well known to every aspirant that an admit card is such an important card which comprises of extremely crucial things or information which is all about the exam and candidates.

RPSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019

The easiest way to download RPSC College Lecturer has been provided through this Webpage of TotalJobsHub. The link released officially for getting Rajasthan College Lecturer Admit Card is rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in. If any obstacle comes in your way while you download Rajasthan College Lecturer Hall Ticket, please do tell us through the comment box furnished below.


Declaration About –RPSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019

Exam Date –2019

Admit Card Release Status –Released Now, Get it below


Official Link –rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in

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Rajasthan PSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019

Rajasthan Public Service Commission which an announcement was made publicly situated in Ajmer. With an intention to fill 1248 Post Lecturer in College, the organization had sent an invitation on its Official Web Link and a huge number of applicants came forward to fill up the vacant place in the form of application forms. The common paper/ exam will be held for Rajasthan College lecturer Bharti Exam. Along with Ajmer, the authority will organize this written exam/ test at many other main districts. So, before you start the download of Rajasthan PSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019, please pay attention to the following page.


RSMSSB Vacancy News

RPSC College Lecturer Hall Ticket 2019

Written Exam will be held at the first meeting or shift. This will start at 10:00 AM and continue to 12:00, means the duration of the exam will be 3:00 Hours. Only 1 day is left, that is why we highly recommend the interested or applied ones to download their Rajasthan PSC College Lecturer Hall Ticket from the directly authorized web link below. This job that most of you had applied for is also called as Vyakhayata. Once you have positively downloaded Rajasthan Hall Ticket, you must take it to the exam hall where the written test is to be taken.

Rajasthan PSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019

To download your own Hall Ticket or Call letter for the written exam, you will have to enter the following data.

  1. Application Id *
  2. Date of Birth*
  3. Exam Name *

Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory to be entered during the downloading.

If you have forgotten your ID, you can go to another page to get back your ID.

In Case of Lost ID:

If you do not have your Application ID, you can get the same using another link below. Being on the page to recover your ID, you need to enter the below-mentioned data:

  1. Search by *
  2. Token No./ Transaction No./ Mobile Number*
  3. Date of Birth*
rpsc college lecturer admit card

Steps to Getting RPSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019

  1. Visit “http://rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in/admissionCard”.
  2. Then, enter the information as mentioned in the 1st stage above.
  3. Entering the data, submit them by clicking on the “Proceed” button.
  4. Finally, get your hall tickets and appear for the test.

Dear candidates, please download RPSC College Lecturer Admit Card 2019 and easily take part in the examination. For any query, please leave a comment below.

Get the Admit Card