Rajasthan University Clerk Result 2020 UNIRAJ Non Teaching Cut off

The RU Panel under the State campus of Rajasthan effectively finished taking selection exams for innumerable positions. The association conducted an LDC examination in 2020. Earlier, the placement cell conducted several other selection tests for the remaining posts. The placement cell uploaded the Rajasthan University Clerk Result 2020 online for further information from the attendees. The recent news is here to UNIRAJ Non-Teaching Cut Off, and concerned exam takers are advised to go through each point specified here.

Rajasthan University Clerk Result 2020

In recent days, the placement cell at the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, advertised through its official web media to fill 386 vacant seats in the Non-Teaching equivalent. Various vacated posts will be filled within the Varsity campus and off-campus. Eligible male and female candidates will be appointed to Grade B Clerk, Library Attendant, JTA (Library Science), LDC, Lab Bearer, Wireman/Electrician, Lab Asst., etc.


After making it to the examination, the attendees are keenly waiting to see whether they have been qualified or not. That’s the only reason they are seeking the Rajasthan University Clerk Result.

Rajasthan University LDC Clerk Expected cut-off Marks, Rajasthan University Clerk Result RU LDC Clerk Result Date, Uniraj Non Teaching Result Merit List Pdf www.uniraj.ac.in. rajasthan university ldc exam date.

प्रिय मित्र राजस्थान विश्वविद्यालय एलडीसी {क्लर्क} परिणाम 2020 और वास्तविक कट ऑफ सूची 2020 में जारी की जाएगी। यह एक सटीक तारीख नहीं है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए, हमारी वेबसाइट के साथ चिपके रहें। Jobs Searches: Looking for Jobs in RPSC Apply Here and fill the online form for  Railway Jobs Notification


UNIRAJ Clerk Result 2020

Notification Subject UNIRAJ Non Teaching Result 2020
Controlling Body University Of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Vacated Posts Group B LDC, Clerk, Lab Asst., Lab Bearer, Book Attendant, Herbarium Assistant, Wireman/Electrician, JTA, and others
Seats in Total 386
Selection System Written Test, Skill Test, and Interview
Event Schedule 2020
Availability Status of the Marks not yet confirmed

Remember that the Rajasthan University Clerk Result holds great significance from the exam’s standpoint. The key role players in deriving the Final cut-off are the number of attendees, the number of questions attempted, the category of contenders, and the difficulty level of the test, whether the mode was moderate or typical/complex.

Rajasthan University Non-Teaching Result 2020

This selection test is administered at the state level only for placement in various departments and centralized University locations. The major concern for the contestants is to qualify for the Skill Test, Interview, and Document Verification for final selection. Once the cutoff and marks are evaluated, the Rajasthan University LDC Merit List will be arranged and published online at the official web portal.rajasthan university clerk result

The test consisted of objective-type questions based on Professional Aptitude and different topics covered for different posts. The medium for answering the exam was Hindi and English. Be reminded that the recruitment process shall conclude with the publication of the final qualifiers of Interviews and appointees for Rajasthan University LDC recruitment. The next phase to undergo is a Skill Test, Interview, etc.


Also, note that placements may be done at any of the centers of study, administrative blocks, or off/on-campus offices. Check the university’s leading web address for detailed information regarding the ongoing selection system and examination phases. Find these useful steps in the follow-up.

Also Read: Rajasthan University Clerk Admit Card 2020 RU Non-Teaching Exam Date

Notable steps to get Rajasthan University Clerk Result 2020

Refer to the dedicated website and locate the Recruitment tab on the homepage. Find the Non-Teaching posts (LDC Clerk and Others) in the submenu. Follow its link to the login page and provide your Registration Number, DOB, or Password to fetch the marks you obtained. Print your Rajasthan University Clerk Result status by pushing submit. Please retain print data of your marks to use it for future use and collect your documents in original and copied format.

UNIRAJ LDC Result 2020

Get through these easy steps and reach the approved website to know your exam status and fetch the Rajasthan University Clerk Result Merit List pdf. Further notification will be listed along with the results link and schedule for the next examination phase. Stay aware of the upcoming updates and notices to attend online and keep visiting here regularly.

राजस्थान विश्वविद्यालय एलडीसी {क्लर्क} परिणाम 2020 डाउनलोड करें जो सितंबर या अक्टूबर के महीने में रिलीज होने जा रहा है। यह एक विस्तृत तारीख है, अधिक जानकारी के लिए कृपया हमारे साथ रहें

UNIRAJ Clerk Result Updates Check here.