PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Result 2020 Junior Assistant Cut off/ Merit List

This update informs the contestants of the competition held by Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited. The employment cell will reveal the PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Result 2020 for the competitive test held in November-December 2018. The next update is due in the following days. Therefore, the competitors are advised to check this page regularly for further developments in this concern.

PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Result 2020

The leading electricity distributing company in Western Gujarat, PGVCL, is a State Government body that provides power to state residents. There are 45 Divisions and 240 subdivisions across the state of Gujarat. In a recent advertisement issued by the government authority, 104 junior assistant/electrical assistant posts are proposed to be filled.


All the seats were restricted to be filled in the state divisions and subdivisions only. The appointment and jobs process is taken into consideration by the department as per state Govt. norms. Here are some noteworthy facts for the aspirants undergoing the selection task. GPSC Medical Officer Jobs

PGVCL Junior Assistant Result 2020

With the number of vacancies limited to 104, this competitive test was held the same day at various organized locations in the State. This test was held in Gujarati & Languages language only and was based on Basic Computer Aptitude and Numerical Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Mathematics, and General Awareness. The applicants who attended this test are curiously waiting for the latest PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Result 2020. To keep up with the upcoming and recently published news, it is quite significant to check your exam status frequently. Ojas Maru Gujarat Bharti

  • Declaration Type: PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Result 2020
  • Department Recruiting: Paschim Gujarat Vidyut Company Limited, State Govt. Body
  • Positions to Fill: Junior Assistant/ Electrical Assistant/ Vidyut Sahayak
  • Number of Seats: 104
  • Rules of Selection: Competitive (Written/CBT) exam and Document Verification
  • Departments of Posting: 45 Divisions and 240 Sub Divisions
  • Date of Conduct of Exam: 2020
  • Results Disclosure: 2020

Also Read: PGVCL Junior Assistant Admit Card 2020 Vidyut Sahayak Exam Date


PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Merit List 2020

This recruitment test was organized at the state level and only amongst state residents. Because the Gujarati language is important for these posts, one must qualify each section of the paper, including the one in the Gujarati Language. There are the following subjects included in this test: General Awareness, Gen English, Gujarati Lang, Reasoning (Logical/Analytical), Numerical Aptitude, and Computer Knowledge. All the concerned participants must qualify for a segment of the paper with their scores put to merit. Cooperative Bank Online form

PGVCL Junior Assistant Cut-Off 2020

Most important to know is that one must have performed at their best to secure top status as per PGVCL Junior Assistant Cut Off 2020. Several underlying factors played a major role in the generation of this cut-off: Paper Difficulty, Highest scores obtained in each category, and seat allotment under reservation rules are some of the leading factors. Moreover, the examinees need to be on the lookout for the next steps and phases of selection, which is Document Verification. GSRTC Vacancy News

PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Result 2020 Download

The main web gateway to log on is “” after landing on which, one must check in at the Jobs section. Find the latest information about the test and posts, then check the login page, where you must log in using your particulars. Then, obtain your PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak result and resultant merit list and take a copy for further use, such as document verification. Stay tuned for details.


PGVCL Junior Assistant Cut-off Marks 2020

Further, details about the hopefuls who discover their Roll No/Name in the PGVCL Junior Assistant Merit List pdf will get the joining letters and be ready to join the suitable positions under the Paschim Guj Ltd. In this way, get the pdf list from here. In the interim, one can easily check their PGVCL Junior Assistant Cut-off Marks Online from this page.PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak result

For easy access to information and updates, follow these instructions and keep pace with the official web address mentioned below. For upcoming news, stay in regular touch with this dedicated job and academic news portal. If you have any queries pertaining to this update, kindly leave them in the comments segment.

Check Here PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Assistant) Result here