MP High Court Admit Card 2019 MPHC Civil Judge (CJ) Hall Ticket

MP High Court Admit Card 2019 Check MPHC Civil Judge CJ Exam Hall Ticket, Call Letter Here. MP HC Civil Judge Admit Card 2019 Download Pre MP High Court CJ Hall Ticket/ Call Letter 2019 MPHC Civil Judge Class 2 Prelims Exam Date

MP High Court Admit Card 2019

Dear applicants, if you already applied for the Civil Judge posts, time to get the MP High Court Admit Card 2019 updates here. The placement authority under the High Court is going to conduct a written form of the examination at a state level. The Prelims Examination will be held around shortly. Kindly, go through all the required details and start preparing for the examination but before that please obtain the MPHC Civil Judge Admit Card.


In the earlier days, the High Court of Madhya Pradesh had issued an official notification regarding various available posts of Civil Judge for the under-governed departments. All the recruits will be assigned a work location within the state limits under the authority of the state government. Those, who were interested in applying for the vacant positions, had submitted their online application forms. All the eyes are up to download MP High Court Civil Judge Hall Ticket 2019. Indian Army Bharti News

Confirmed News: Dear Candidates MP High Court Civil Judge Prelims Exam Call Letter can be downloaded from here shortly. MPHC CJ Pre Exam Date is not revealed yet.

Update Type MP High Court Admit Card 2019
Recruiting Body High Court of Madhya Pradesh
Job Profile Civil Judge
Total Seats Various
Pre Examination Date 2019
Hall Ticket Status Not Displayed

MPHC Civil Judge Admit Card 2019

This is a state level competitive exam for which a huge number of candidates already have applied. The same numbers of aspirants are going to try their best to crack the written test. The vacant positions are Civil Judge. The MP High Court Admit Card 2019 Civil Judge is expected to coincide soon. MPHC Latest Vacancy News


Based on reliable news sources, the written test will be conducted on the same day. Madhya Pradesh High Court Civil Judge Hall Ticket is expected to arrive at the same time for all the exams. The authority will release the same on the official website for all the concerned contestants. It is highly recommended to all the vying participants to stay connected with this web page and receive all the further upcoming updates. Railway Jobs for Freshers

MP High Court CJ Exam Pattern

Type of the Exam Names of the Subjects Number of Questions Marks
Objective Type General Knowledge and Social Science 30 30
Maths and Science 20 20
General Hindi 10 10
English 20 20
Computer Knowledge 20 20

There are several departments under the highest judicial authority for which the recruitment is to be carried out on a state level. The eligible ones after getting selected will be posted on the district level courts and other civil departments operating under the Madhya Pradesh HC.


MP High Court Civil Judge Admit Card 2019 Details

  • Candidates are instructed to carry a copy of this hall ticket while entering the examination hall and are to note the exam date and venue address properly.
  • Kindly, reach the examination center at least half an hour before the commencement of the test.
  • Carry a valid id proof in original along with the entry ticket for the invigilator may ask the examinees to produce the same any time during the examination.
  • Use of electronic media or any other form of unfair means is prohibited during the examination.
mp high court admit card

MPHC CJ Selection Procedure

The first thing Applicants have to do is give a Written Exam on the above mention dates which they have to qualify in order to go through the Personal Interview. Candidates who clear both the rounds find their place in the suitable vacancies.

Download MP High Court Admit Card 2019 CJ Prelims

  • Find the official website on the web given as, “”       
  • On the homepage, look for notification regarding the above-specified jobs.
  • Find the officially updated link and follow it.
  • After reaching the login page, enter your login information and press the submit button.
  • Wait for the Hall Ticket to generate on your screen.
  • Get a hard version of the call letter and keep it secure for a future use.

MPHC CJ Prelims Admit Card 2019

Get a note of these guidelines to avail your MPHC CJ Prelims Admit Card timely. Follow the verified and authenticated link to fetch further details in relation to the upcoming exams. If you have any concerns, feel free to contact us via the comments section.

Link for Reference:

Visit here to gain the MPHC CJ Admit

Official Website