Many desirous applicants underwent a written test for Multitasking Staff posts in Delhi Police Department. The employment panel will place Delhi Police MTS Result 2019 online as soon as the answer sheets are evaluated. The recruitment organising panel is subject to produce the examination related data to its dedicated web media and if you wish to receive notification about all the related matters, read this detailed update assembled here relevant Delhi Police MTS Result 2019 DP Multi Tasking Staff 707 Posts Merit List.
Delhi Police MTS Result 2019
In reference to these positions proposal issued by the DP Department, many users had submitted their applications in order to take on 702 positions of MTS posts. Now, a test is properly conducted and executed, the acting panel of judges is underway processing each answer sheet thoroughly and will update the examinees in a short period of time. Stay updated to get other data about the ongoing paper.
IRB Recruitment News |CISF Bharti Updates
Delhi Police MTS 707 Post Result
- Demarcated Headline: Delhi Police MTS Result 2019
- Recruiting Body: DP Dept
- Vacancies Considered: Multitasking Staff (Group D Various Profiles)
- Total Vacancies: 707
- Recruitment Level: Union Territory Based
- Selection Method: Written Exam and Merit Issuance
- Type of Examination: Offline/OMR-Answer Sheet Based
- Results Declaration: TBA
Delhi Police MTS Exam Date

With announcing Delhi Police MTS Result 2019 online, the recruiting body shall be publicising a detailed shortlist of qualifiers of this test. In a matter a few days, contestants of this test can check whether they have been easily registered for the trade test. In Delhi Police MTS Merit List 2019, participants can see their status using their applied email address or roll no, Names, etc.
Delhi Police Recruitment for 10th 12th | IRB Police Jobs
Delhi Police MTS Cut Off Marks
As per the detail, the test and assessment panel of the recruiting Board shall be issuing brief Delhi Police MTS Cut Off 2019. This provisional cut off shall be arranged after considering crucial factors such as the total strength of attendees, highest scores obtained by contestants, category-wise distribution of marks, and complexity level of exam. This test was 10th/12th based so, obviously level of easy.
Expected Delhi Police MTS Cut Off Marks
Cat | MTS Cut Off Marks |
UR | 65-76 |
OBC | 58-66 |
SC | 53-57 |
ST | 43-53 |
EX | 35-40 |
Based on varied number of subjects, this examination was one and a half hour in duration. Maximising their efforts, everybody is striving to secure distinct scores so that they can make it to the Merit List. Thus, keeping an eye on the recent highlights made by the controlling body is one of the most important things to do on a regular basis.
Delhi Police MTS Merit List 2019
The final outcome shall display exam status for the positions that are earlier mentioned and that hopefuls had applied for. These Multitasking Staff vacancies are classified as Cook, Water Carrier, Cleaner/Sweeper, Cobbler, Washerman, Tailor, Ministerial, Gardener, Barber, and Carpenter. The merit depends on the number of seats proposed to fill per category mainly. After the appointment and posting to the applied region or district, joinees shall have to report to get done with basic formality such as document verification. Latter shall be aware via an online notice to the eligible ones.
Reaching Delhi Police MTS Result 2019 Online
“” should be entered in the Google Address bar by the browsing candidates. After landing on the target location, out your focus to employment url and look out a verified link displaying either the Job Title or Advertisement Number. Trail it and fetch the detailed pdf of eligible particulars making their way to the Merit List. Print it for the further usage.
Delhi Police Multi Tasking Staff Result 2019
Find out further reports about Multitasking Staff Exam and its finalised results through an authenticated link given in the last segment of this update. Put further downloading guides to use and reach the dedicated site easily. For regular updates and correspondence of this subject, please stay calm and be with us and snatch full notifications and news. Reach us through the comments box provided at last.
ऐसे सभी उम्मीदवार जो दिल्ली पुलिस में बहु कार्य करने वाले कर्मचारियों के लिए लिखित परीक्षा में शामिल हुए हैं, उनके परिणाम की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं। इसलिए उनकी मदद के लिए हम दिल्ली पुलिस एमटीएस परिणाम डाउनलोड लिंक प्रदान करते हैं। इस डायरेक्ट लिंक की मदद से सभी उम्मीदवार परिणाम को आसानी से देख सकते हैं।
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