BPSC Assistant Engineer Result 2019 Date, Bihar PSC Assistant Engineer Result 2019 Download BPSC AE Cut off Marks Previous Year, Expected bpsc.bih.nic.in, BPSC AE Merit List Sarkari exam Result Selected Candidates List for 1345 Positions.
BPSC Assistant Engineer Result 2019
Those attending their preliminary test for Asst. Engineer posts need to check BPSC Assistant Engineer Result 2019 online. Bihar PSC highlights Bihar PSC AE Cut Off after the evaluation is done after proper checking. Examinees who underwent this State-level examination on 15th and 16th Sept will be able to check their status in a few days. Here are recent updates for the conducted exam and ongoing recruitment. Let us read furthermore and fetch related information.
As per Commission directives, jobs of 1400 Assistant Engineers will be filled under the advertisement proposed by the State Government authority. This entire selection process is being carried forth at the sole discretion of the State authority. The selection phase consists of a Preliminary and Main examination which are mandatory for the contestants to clear. A formal interview is scheduled thereafter for the qualifiers of this recruitment about which, examinees will be kept informed through the dedicated web media.
Assistant Engineer, Civil (Preliminary) Competitive Examination. (Advt. No. 04/2017) Announced Now
Bihar PSC AE Result 2019 bpsc.bih.nic.in
Declaration Topic | BPSC Assistant Engineer Result 2019 |
Conducting Body | Bihar PSC, Patna |
Advertisement Number | Advt. No. 02~04/2017 |
Vacated Jobs | Assistant Engineer |
Total Seats | 1400 |
Selection Method | Written Exams (Prelims and Mains), Interview, and Document Verification |
Salary Provided | After getting the appointment particulars will get Rs.9300-34,800 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/- PM |
Dates of Conduct of Exams | 15th 16th Sept 2018 |
Disclosure Date of Marks | Announced Now |
There are two phases of selection from which, an aspirant needs to get qualified in both the stages securing best of grades. Based on the rules adopted to finally select the eligible wards for the jobs, the selection committee shall apply further measures to sort the list after coming up with BPSC Assistant Engineer Result 2019. Keeping their hopes up, the contestants would be keenly waiting on to know their status in the cut off as well.
BPSC AE Cut Off Marks 2019 Expected
Here is to inform the job seekers that they will be prompted about such news as per decisions laid forth by the selection department. On further consideration of factors such as Category of applicants, their total attendance, difficulty-level of a test, and total questions attempted by each competitor. Assuming the process of evaluation to be timely, the department is expected to deliver next update through its dedicated media firstly.
BPSC Assistant Engineer Merit List 2019
So after issuing the cut off & official merit list, one needs to visit the authenticated web gateway of the commission. Meanwhile, it is also important for hopefuls to stay connected to the related web media as there is no fixed date for announcing the relative updates in this regard. In reference to this competitive exam, every related detail is necessary. To remind the contenders further, they will be called for another test which is the Main exam (Written test) right after the department uploads a shortlist prepared with Name, Roll Number/Register Number, Category, and obtained marks.
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The posts to be occupied for the profile of AE will be filled for Civil and Mechanical streams only. Assessing candidate’s knowledge in a profession as well General Intelligence, the Main test is scheduled later on. A proper way to be updated is to keep checking online notification now and again.
BPSC Assistant Engineer Result 2019 Prelims
Right address to visit is, “www.bpsc.bih.nic.in” and aspirants are advised to look at the same often. After landing on the target page, make way to an activated link mentioning Advt. No. 02~04/2017 and or Job Profile with respect to the Date of Conduct. Follow it to get to the results section and use your authentication information. Print your BPSC AE Prelims Results/Scorecard after confirming your status.
Use these asserted instructions and verify your exam results conveniently. Follow an updated link that has been highlighted here in the following part. For upcoming news and update regarding developments being made in reference to ongoing recruitment, lease stays in touch with this page and keep communicating with the author to be informed.
Bihar PSC AE Result Published Here Only