Bihar Vidhan Sabha Admit Card 2019 Sahayak, Jr. Clerk Exam Date

The Legislative Assembly of Bihar set ongoing recruitment forth by uploading Bihar Vidhan Sabha Admit Card 2019 online. Hopefuls who actively participated in online registrations should collect their hall ticket and saddle up for the upcoming competition. This article is assembled to produce the relative information which turns out to be handy from the viewpoint of examination. Here are the points worth focusing on Bihar Assistant (Sahayak) Junior Clerk Admit Card.

Bihar Vidhan Sabha Admit Card 2019

So according to the official press Release issued by recruiting panel under Bihar Vidhan Sabha, there are 101 vacancies to be filled for various roles declared vacated. Some of the positions are Library Assistant, Urdu Asst./Translator, Assistant, Translator, and Junior Clerk. Having all these seats to be filled in the State regions, the selection phases are also to be arranged in the regions across state jurisdiction only. November brought an end to the online registration process and the next update is due to highlight on the online media in a few days. Responding to applicants’ submissions the authority shall dispatch Bihar Vihar Sabha Assistant Admit Card 2019 according to the schedule. BPSC Recruitment News Latest | BPSM Jobs For Freshers


Bihar Vidhan Sabha Sahayak Admit Card 2019

Updated Notice Bihar Vidhan Sabha Admit Card 2019
Managing Authority State Legislative Assembly of Bihar, Patna Secretariat
Positions to Acquire Junior Clerk, Assistant, Library Assistant, Urdu Assistant, Translator, and others  
Number of Seats 101
Rules of Recruitment Competitive Test, Skill Test and Interview  
Regions of Placement Across the State
Date of Conduct of Test
  • Assistant; Research/Referance Assistant
  • Library Assistant
  • Urdu Assistant
  • Urdu Traslator
  • Translator(English/Hindi) & Assistant Care Taker
Call Letter Issuance 10-15 Days Before

As per directives received from the office of Secretary, BLA, Patna next notice shall be approved prior to issuing Bihar Vidhan Sabha Admit Card 2019 online. Heeding to the official notices generated with reference to coming test, prospective competitors are essentially required to fetch a significant piece of information through hall ticket that bears Applicant’s Name, Address, Venue details, Exam Code, Centre Code, and instructional parts in accordance with the governing body. Latest Bihar Scholarship form

Bihar Sachivalaya Sahayak Admit Card 2019

Noting all the exam-specific data contestants need to respond to the link by following it to download online call letters for this test. This competition is to be organised at several locations as per a number of applications and shortlist prepared by the officiating authority. Using the information provided by the regulatory body to the candidates, hall tickets can be obtained easily.

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Bihar Vidhan Sabha Assistant, Junior Clerk Exam Pattern:

  • This is an offline test i.e. Pen and Paper-based.
  • This exam is having Multiple Choice Questions with one mark awarded for each for a correctly answered question.
  • All the questions are compulsory to attend.
  • For each incorrect answer, 0.25 marks shall be deducted.
  • This examination is based on General Awareness, General Intelligence, Hindi/English Language, etc.
  • This exam is going to be available in Hindi and English languages.
Subjects No of Ques Total Scores
General Knowledge 30 120
General Awareness 40 160
Mental Ability & Reasoning 30 120
Total Detail 100 400

Bihar Vidhan Sabha Hall Ticket 2019 Assistant

  • Kindly bring your entry ticket along with an original identity card issued by the State or Central Government authority.
  • Later entrants are not permitted to contest in the competitive exam.
  • Use of unfair means or canvassing is prohibited.
  • Bringing electronic devices such as smartphones, mobile, calculators, digital or electronic watches is restricted inside the premises.
  • The commissioning body is not responsible for any inadvertent error or misprinting of information in the hall tickets. However, if such arises, applicants are advised to report it to the higher authority through the reference given at the end of this news update.
Bihar Vidhan Sabha Admit Card

Bihar Vidhan Sabha Admit Card 2019 Assistant, Clerk

Log on to the dedicated web media of the State Legislative Assembly known as, “”. Use the suitable page to reach a link displaying Advertisement Number or vacancies details. Follow it to get to the login page and put your login particulars in it. Print a copy of your call letter and secure another set for future verification post to an exam.

Confirming recent news and directives from the dominant body, further info shall be put up on the internet for hopefuls. Be advised to keep in touch regularly and collect the vital piece of data. For all the notice and Bihar Vidhan Sabha Admit Card 2019 information, check here frequently. If any doubts or questions you want to share with us, feel free and communicate with the author through the comments section. is the official Website which provides the Hall Ticket for all the applied particulars against the Advt.