Dear Aspired Teachers, are you looking for the latest APTET Hall Ticket 2019 updates? No need to check it elsewhere, as here on this page, everything you need to know about your AP Teacher Eligibility Test 2019 is available. The written test for Teachers’ posts will be held at the state level in Andhra Pradesh soon. To avail, the AP TET Admit Card 2019 read the following information and locate the useful URL.
APTET Hall Ticket 2019
A few week ago, the authorities under the Commissioner of School Education Andhra Pradesh, had issued a general Notification to recruit new teachers in the state Government Schools. After applying for the TET Exam, candidates have been awaiting the recent news related to their APTET Hall Ticket. Find more news in the later sections of this web page. Also Check, AP DSC Teacher Jobs
Latest News:ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ టీచర్ టెస్ట్ ఫిబ్రవరి 2019 నుంచి మార్చి 3 వ తేదీ వరకు జరుగుతుంది. హాల్ టికెట్ను డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకునే తేదీ 10 ఫిబ్రవరి. ఈ పరీక్షలో వరుసగా రెండు సెషన్లలో 9.30 నుండి 12:00 PM వరకు లేదా 2:30 AM నుండి 5:00 PM వరకు జరుగుతుంది. ప్రియమైన అభ్యర్థులు దయచేసి క్రింది లింక్ను తనిఖీ చేసి హాల్ టికెట్ పొందండి AP Health Department Jobs
Andhra Pradesh TET Exam Date 2019
Stop waiting here and there for your Andhra Pradesh TET Exam updates. All you need is being mentioned on this page. Go through the updates and news as these are based on the source from the Commissioner of School Education AP. The written test for Teachers’ Post will be held in upcoming days for this year. APTET Hall Ticket 2019 will be uploaded soon. APPSC Group 2 Notification
Announcement About: APTET Hall Ticket 2019
Conducting Organization: Commissioner of School Education Andhra Pradesh
Vacancies for: Government School Teachers
Test Location: Andhra Pradesh
Examination Dates: 2019
AP TET Hall Ticket Releasing Date: Released soon
APTET Admit Card 2019 Download
Before aspirants Download APTET Admit Card 2019, there are points that they need to know and remember regarding this examination. The written examination will be for two segments, paper-I, and Paper-II. Paper-I is meant for the teachers who applied for Classes I to V and Paper II will be meant for the aspirants who applied for Teachers’ post for Standards Vi to VIII. The examination will be a multiple Choice/ Objective Type and will hold 150 questions for each paper. APSPDCL Lineman Vacancy
After clearing the written examination, candidates will be posted in the education department where there are seats to be available as per their applied subjects. The appointment call may come anytime as that completely depends on the number of vacancies in the state. Within a year, a selected candidate is eligible to apply under any government-run school. APPSC Engineer Jobs
Instructions for AP TET Hall Ticket 2019
- It is most important to carry the Admit Card along.
- To know the exact, exam location, date, and reporting time, applicants are advised to refer to their Call Letters.
- Applicants are instructed to reach the examination center half an hour before the commencement of paper.
- Use of mobiles is banned inside the Exam Venue.
- Candidates are prohibited to use unfair means.
APTET Hall Ticket Download 2019
- All the contenders are required to visit the official web address that is, “”
- Find an updated link to get your TET Exam Andhra Pradesh Admit Card.
- Follow it and reach the candidate’s login page.
- Here, you have to enter your Application/Registration Id and Password/DOB etc.
- Later, your AP TET Admit Card will be generated on your screen.
- Get it printed and keep a copy safe for an urgent need.
- Please note the examination date and venue details carefully.
Download AP Teacher Eligibility Test Hall Ticket 2019
Andhra Pradesh Board of Higher Education organizes the Teacher Eligibility Test soon. For the Current Year, BEAP will organize the TET examination for 1200- Teachers Jobs. Interested individuals can verify their APTET Hall Ticket from this website because it plays an important role in the whole recruitment process. Candidates also check the info regarding exam date, exam timing, Syllabus etc from here.
Link That Matter:
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