APSC CCE Result 2019 Assam CCE Prelims Cut Off, Merit List

The Assam PSC conducts the state-level exam for Administrative jobs vacated. APSC CCE Result 2019 is under process for the Combined Competitive Test held at several locations in the state. The pen and paper test was held on 30-12-2018 (Sunday). Those attending this competitive Preliminary Test actively, need to get this recent news with respect to the conducted exam. Assam CCE Prelims Cut Off is going to be published on the internet media in the following days.

APSC CCE Result 2019

Following a recruitment process to fill 165 vacated seats in administrative departments under the State govt, Assam PSC propagated an official advertisement online. The selection method being taken into three phases, a commissioning body has recently got done with the First phase which is the preliminary test. Positions to fill under the stated notice are Superintendent and Tax Inspector, Excise Department, Civil Services, and Other Positions in the Assam Police departments. Most of the applied candidates had attempted in the paper and are going to have to wait until APSC CCE Prelims Merit List gets uploaded.


The APSC CCE Result 2019 issued online for Prelims test at apsc.nic.in. The result was accessible through name wise in February Month. The APSC soon released the qualified list of the competitors who earlier give the test on 30th Dec. The examinees who have their names in the list can easily access and obtain the admit card for Mains examination.

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Assam CCE Prelims Result 2019

Updated Category APSC CCE Prelims Result 2019
Conducting Body Assam PSC
Positions to Fill Administrative and Civil Services
Number of Seats 165
Rules of Selection Preliminary, Mains and Interview
Posting Regions Within the State Jurisdiction
Date of Conducting Prelims 30th December 2018
The Announcement of MARKS January or February 2019 (Tentative)

Keeping the selection and recruitment system transparent and faster the commission shall release APSC CCE Result 2019 in January tentatively. Just to inform the candidates, this test was qualifying in nature and those getting through the prelims stage will be undergoing the main exam. More on the updates, shall be provided here as the dates of the main exam and admit cards are yet to be confirmed.


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APSC CCE Prelims Cut Off 2019

In the initial stage, the examination and recruitment cell shall release Assam CCE Prelims Cut Off 2019 officially in order to continue the jobs and selection process. This official cut off is based on several factors such as the number of examinees, category-wise distribution of seats, the difficulty level of test and the no. of seats applied per region. Qualifiers of the prelims will be notified through an SMS or email in the forthcoming days.

apsc cce prelims result

It is advised to the contestants to remain connected to the administering site and fetch the relevant details. The Preliminary exam was objective type and attendees of this exam need to qualify this test with a minimum qualifying mark in order to gain selection to the main exam. Once the status of Assam CCE Prelims Result is clear, contenders can have the data here and are suggested to visit the url updated to get their respective Merit Lists here. Along with issuing the official cut off and Merit List, the commission shall notify the general public about upcoming scheduled events and will upload admission cards to the selected examinees. Be advised to stay in touch with the noteworthy and significant updates brought here.


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Assam APSC CCE Result 30th Dec 2018

Firstly, make a visit to the authorised web media of the State Commission, which is, “apsc.nic.in” and head to the examinations tab on the homepage. Locate the mainstream link given on the left side of the panel and find an updated link referring to the Prelims Exam. Follow it to obtain the cut off & merit list. Go through it very carefully after downloading it in the pdf file format. Log in using the credentials given during registrations and confirm your status of an exam. Keep a printed version of your APSC CCE Result 2019 for future uses.

Go through the steps mentioned above and use the official link settled along with this information. As recommended, candidates need to stay alert all the time and up to date to gather necessary information. Use the comments box to communicate with the author of this news article. Visit the authenticated website only.

Verify your Assam PSC CCE Exam Results here