The postulant enrolled for Group 2 446 vacancies exam which is going to be held in May and July should Download APPSC Group 2 Hall Tickets 2019 in an online mode. The Andhra Pradesh PSC declared the dates for Prelims (Screening Test) and Main exams which are to be held on 05th May 2019 and 18-19 July 2019 respectively. AP Group II Prelims Admit Card shall be issued to shortlisted contestants a week or 8 days before the competitive test. Here are some more highlights on the data about the competition and important things to know further.
APPSC Group 2 Hall Tickets 2019
To take over the enrollment and choosing the process of eligible personnel in the govt dept, Andhra Pradesh PSC holds the responsibility on the furtherance of the State Govt. Under the issued notice there are 446 Group 2 vacated seats to be filled this year. The selection phases involve Prelims and Main Stages for which the detailed schedule is available now. The shortlisted competitors shall get an intimation from the authorised panel of commission complying with which they are required to obtain their respective APPSC Group II Prelims Admit Card 2019.
ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ పబ్లిక్ సర్వీస్ కమ్యూనిషన్ గ్రూప్ 2 పరీక్ష ప్రాథమిక పేపర్ కోసం ఏప్రిల్లో జరగబోతోంది, APPSC GROUP 2 హాల్ టికెట్ అధికారిక వెబ్ పోర్టల్ లో అధికారులచే అందుబాటులోకి వస్తుంది. సెగ్మెంట్ కింద అందించిన పరీక్ష యొక్క ఖచ్చితమైన తేదీ. పరీక్ష తేదీకి ముందు కార్డుని అంగీకరించుకోండి మరియు కాగితంకు హాజరు చేయండి.
APPSC Group 2 Prelims Admit Card 2019
- Marked Update: APPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket 2019 Prelims
- Conducting Body: Andhra Pradesh PSC
- Positions to Fill: Group 2
- Number of Positions: 446
- Category/Type of Posts: Permanent/State Government
- Working Departments: Administrative Departments within AP jurisdiction
- Selection Measures: Preliminary Test, Main Test, Personal Interview, and Certificate Confirmation
- APPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket Availability: April 2019 Last Week
AP Group 2 Notification Pdf | Download Merit List & Cut off Marks
APPSC Group 2 Prelims Exam Date: 05-05-2019
AP Group 2 Mains Exam Date: 18 & 19 July 2019
There are certain points and notes to make while the aspirants prepare to attend the test and boot up their respective APPSC Group 2 Hall Tickets 2019 online. The dates are already intimated in the official press release and the next notable details are Timing of Paper Commencement, Test Shift, Reporting Time, venue details, and instructions to respond to. More on the topic and exam pattern is made known in brief description below.
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APPSC Group 2 Exam Pattern
- The exam will be Pen-and-paper based that is Written Mode/Offline Mode.
- The Examination is categorised into three papers which are Paper-I, II, and III.
- Paper-I will be General Studies, Paper-II will contain questions related to Social and Cultural History of the State Andhra Pradesh and its Constitution.
- Paper-III is based on Indian Economy, Social Challenges and Developments implementations in AP.
- Each paper consists of 150 marks each (450 Marks in a total) and will be objective type in nature.
- Examinees will have to attend the separate test for Computer Skills such as creating a Powerpoint Slides in the given time period. (10 Marks)
- Creation and handling of Excel database 10 marks (10 marks)
- Accessing and handling Mailbox (5 Marks).
AP Group 2 Hall Ticket Download 2019
- Each contestant should adhere to these instructions prior to entering the examination venues.
- They are instructed to check their exam address, photo and signature and other identifiable details after downloading the admission cards.
- If any inadvertent error is found in the APPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket, kindly bring the same to the notice of the appropriate authorities.
- Examinees are advised to bring their original personality proof along with the entry tickets without which they shall not be permitted to enter the premises.
- Latecomers shall not be allowed to enter once the gate is closed.
- Use of mobile devices, digital watches, calculators and other electronic devices is banned under the examination halls.

APPSC Group 2 Hall Tickets 2019
Key details & suitable url is available at “” and refer to enter the site. Use the login form displayed on the right hand side of the page. Use your Registration Id, Password, and CAPTCHA codes to obtain your entry cards. Print multiple copies of your admission cards and keep one safe and ready for the date of the test. Bring an authenticated identity proof along for further verification.
Use the instructions displayed above and head to the login page to print your APPSC Group 2 Hall Tickets 2019 online. Visit this page frequently to get further updates about oncoming recruitment and exam updates. For any questions or help about this article, please refer to the comments section below.