NIOS 12th Result 2019 NIOS Senior Secondary April May Exam Results

National Institute of Open Schooling is about to upload NIOS 12th Result 2019 April May online. Students have successfully completed their NIOS Senior Secondary Exams March April May. Now it is time to know your Senior Secondary Open School Result. A lot of students have undergone the written examinations for the year 2019. Please verify the status here and other related updates in the following segment of this post.

NIOS 12th Result 2019

These Senior Secondary Level examinations are conducted every for the October-November-December and March-April cycles. This time, many of the enrolled candidates underwent the 12th level exams. Like every year, this time, the number of recorded applicants was tremendously huge. All their eyes are on the result updates that are being mentioned here.


Latest Updates: Dear Candidates if you attempt the April Exam for Open School Intermediate and looking for NIOS 12th Result 2019 then stay calm and wait for the next updates. We soon provide a suitable link regarding your scores. NIOS 12th Exam Time Table and NIOS Open 10th Date sheet

NIOS 12th Result April 2019

In reference to the written exams being undertaken by the National Institute of Open Schooling, this latest news is given. This news is hereby provided to help users looking for the status in the final scores. Kindly note all the details that are necessary from NIOS Senior Secondary April Results 2019 point of view. As you all are aware, that the written theory exams are held twice a year. These points are relevant to the understudies, who appeared in April May cycle exams. They can check NIOS 12th Result 2019 here. Follow these tips and guidelines given hereunder. Also Verify, NIOS 10th Class Result

Declaration About: NIOS 12th Result 2019 Organizing Body: National Institute of Open Schooling Exam Name: 12th/ Senior Secondary Examination Session: April May & October November Cycle Result Status: Revealed Soon

NIOS Senior Secondary April Result 2019 National Institute of Open Schooling

In further information, pupils have been aware that they need to follow some general steps in order to check NIOS Senior Secondary April Exam Results 2019. As soon as the results get uploaded, they can confirm their scores and status through the official link that is stated at the end of this page. All the candidates are duly addressed that the examinations have ended timely as per the expected plan.


NIOS is the largest private education hub and is the most famous organization that is controlled and administered by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. There are about lakhs of aspirants who get admission in the Open School to complete their secondary exams and go for higher education and build their career.

This is a world famous organization that helps students and candidates attain education and around lakhs of candidates participate in the yearly conducted exams and study programmes. There are several study subjects that students can choose as per their interest. Since there was a huge number of registered students, the number of answer sheets is really high as well. It will take a month or two to evaluate all the papers and results will be finalized after that.

Best Ways to get NIOS 12th Result 2019

  • Students, first of all, should visit the official web portal that is, “”
  • Find the Results column at the top of the homepage.
  • Visit the link that displays, “Public Examination Senior Secondary Results”
  • Follow it, and enter your roll number.
  • Hit the submit button and get the detailed score card for all your subjects.
  • Take a printed copy of it till the official Mark Sheet arrives.

NIOS 12th Commerce Result 2019

If you are the one who attends the Commerce exam for April May session conducting by this Panel then must be curiously searching for their marksheet of Senior Secondary which is the significant one for all the students. Hence, you can check the NIOS 12th Result Commerce 2019 here.NIOS 12th Result


एनआईओएस ओपन 12 वीं परिणाम 2019 यहां घोषित किया गया है और वे छात्र जो इंटरमीडिएट या सीनियर सेकेंडरी परीक्षा के लिए आने वाले परिणामों के बारे में उत्सुक हैं, फिर इस सेगमेंट से एनआईओएस बोर्ड 12 वें परिणाम डाउनलोड लिंक को सत्यापित करें। हम सभी छात्रों को सलाह देना चाहते हैं कि कृपया इस आलेख में यहां दिए गए पूर्ण डेटा को पढ़ें और राष्ट्रीय ओपन स्कूली शिक्षा बोर्ड 12 वीं कक्षा परिणाम प्राप्त करें

NIOS 12th Science Result 2019

The entire Science student certainly looking for the marks of these tough subjects in senior secondary Paper, this is the reason understudies eagerly searching the marks. As we know the nervousness of the users hence when it is the time to declare NIOS 12th Science Result 2019 please look forward to it.

Updated Link:

Visit here to check your Open school 12th Class Results: